1000 portreta

Uroš Kojić (1983 – ) Mangup

11 Sep , 2024  

Drago mi je da mogu da upotrebim reč „Mangup“ za nekoga ko živi u današnjem vremenu jer mi se činilo da nisam sreo pravog u poslednje vreme. Verovatno je problem u meni jer doživljavam mangupa kao čoveka koji ima ličnu etiku i moral, ali i sopstveni pogled na svet koji mu omogućava da živi i bude deo društva u kome živi. Ono što nam se danas dešava je da onaj koje jači misli da je veći mangup, a to zaista nema nikakve veze. Naravno mangupstvo ima veze sa hrabrošću ali ne i sa nasiljem. Možda bolje da uvedem i drugu reč šmeker, što možda bolje objašnjava svu veličinu mangupa koji živi, nalazi rešenja i ponaša se prema sopstvenom kodeksu, ne vređajući druge.

Dosta  dugačak uvod za portret Uroša, ali svrsishodan jer on ispunjava sve delove definicije. Može da se doda da je odrastao na Vračaru, tao gde se kretao jedan jedini  Dragan Gagi Nikolić, u porodici intelektualaca, advokata i arhitekte. Kada se očekivalo da i sam završi prestižan fakultet, on je izabrao svoj put. I da nije šmeker verovatno bi propao, ovako uspešno živi, ima svoj freediving klub, i uspešno radi na promociji sporta ne samo Srbiji, već i svetu, gde je trenutno na poziciji sportskog direktora u Internacionalnoj asocijaciji za razvoj apnee (AIDA).

Naravno ne postoji pravi mangup koji nije uradio nešto neobično. Kod Uroša je spisak krajnje dug, jer on ne radi obične stvari, ali šta da kažem za čoveka koje je obišao na biciklu 3 puta Anapurna circuit trek. Za one koji ne znaju to kružni put oko Anapurne (vrh u Neplau) sa najvećom visinom od 5200 m.

I sam vokabular mangupa je autentičan, tako da ga mnogi ne razumeju u početku, ali prevodeći vreme sa njim. Shvate logiku i novu upotrebu nekih reči, od kojih su mnoge psovke. Baš bih voleo da završim priču na Urošev način, ali pošto želim da sačuvam akademski nivo, improvizovaću sve jednog dana na promociji. A do tada viđenjado i movidi se!

I’m glad I can use the word „Mangup“ for someone living today because I haven’t met the right one lately. The problem is probably in me because I perceive a „mangup“ as a man with personal ethics and morals but also his view of the world that allows him to live and be a part of the society in which he lives. What is happening to us today is that the stronger one thinks he is a bigger „mangup“, which really has nothing to do with it. Of course, “mangup” involves courage, but not violence. Perhaps I should introduce the second word, „smeker,“ which probably better explains all the greatness of a „mangup“ who lives, finds solutions, and behaves according to his code without offending others.

Quite an extended introduction to the portrait of Uroš, but purposeful because he fulfills all parts of the definition. He grew up in Vračar, where the one and only Dragan Gagi Nikolić lived, in a family of intellectuals, lawyers, and architects. He chose his own path when he was expected to graduate from a prestigious university. And if he wasn’t a „smeker,“ he probably would have failed. But he lives successfully like this, has his own freediving club, and successfully works to promote sports not only in Serbia but also in the world, where he currently holds the position of sports director in the International Association for the Development of Apnea (AIDA).

Of course, there is no real „mangup“ who has not done something unusual. The list is exceptionally long with Uros because he does not do ordinary things.   What you can say about a man who has cycled the Annapurna circuit trek 3 times? For those who don’t know, it’s a circular route around Annapurna (peak in Nepal) with the highest altitude of 5200 m.

The vocabulary of „mangup“ itself is authentic, so many people do not understand it at first, but after spending time with it. They understand the logic and the new use of some words, many swear words. I would really like to finish the story in Uros’ way, but since I want to preserve the academic level, I will improvise everything one day to promote my book of portraits. Until then, “viđenjado i movidi se“!

PS. Maybe somebody will help me in the future, but the most suitable translation in English of „mangup“ „could be Maverick or, better, Renegade.

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