In TIME article signed by Alicia Adamczyk on July 26, 2017, journalist is speaking about different portraits of the People with Pre-Existing Conditions. More…
Ovo je samo jedan od mnogih portreta moje ćerke. Sinoć kada se vratila sa posla, izgledala je umorno, toliko da se spustila na pod od kuhinje i gledala ćerke koje su se igrale razbacujući kuhinjske stvari po podu. More…
Today, I have visited Knossos, a famous archaeological site on Crete also known as an Europe’s oldest city. The first inhabitants reached to 18,000 people around 2000 BC, which I liked since we could see that period almost as picture in a mirror from our 2017 AC. More…
U stvari kod Ane ne znam šta mi se više sviđa, njena ličnost ili njen odnos prema onome čime se bavi. More…
That’s what Radmila does, use her sports skills at every opportunity and try to solve problems by applying the basketball. More…
Neke ljude ne upoznate na vreme, ali imate osećaj da ih dugo poznajete. More…
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