Noli me tangere

Tatjana Vučković (1973-2014) – Noli me Tangere ili portret onih koji nisu više sa nama / Noli me Tangere or a portrait of those who are no longer with us

13 Sep , 2017  

O ponovnom susretu sa pokojnikom, pošto je otišao iz našeg života, većina ljudi ne razmišlja. Ja verovatno spadam u mali broj ljudi koji u to veruje. Pokušavao sam da stupim s mojom drugaricom Tatjanom paleći sveće u svim ovozemaljskim crkvama od Etiopije do Tatarstana, ali sem njenog lika u mojom mislima, ništa onostrano se nije desilo. A lik u mislima je nastao i zbog akcije koju je nas nekolicina osmislili zajedno sa Tatjanom.

Naime, medijsku kampanju Verujem u ljubav Tatjana je uradila sa ciljem da pokaže ljudima kako se i sa najtežim bolestima treba nositi. Kroz 12 slika Tatjana je pokazala u šta veruje, ali i svoje lepo telo izrezbareno hirurškim ožiljcima nakon 10 operacija. Tih 12 slika našli su se na bilbordima širom grada. Našli su se na kalendaru, ali i na posterima na kongresu onkologa.  Sećam se kako su ljudi zastajali i gledali postere sa slikom Tatjane. Mnogi su mislili da je u pitanju art instalacija i da je na slikama lepa manekenka. Na slikama i jeste bila predivna devojka ali teško bolesna, u šta niko nije verovao. Tatjana je takva ostala do poslednjeg trena, lepa i mistična.

Neki moji prijatelji su videli postere koji još uvek stoje na zidovima onkološkog instituta. Kada su me pitala o čemu se radi, osetio sam mali pritisak u grudima i kroz glavu mi su mi prošli razgovori sa Tatjanom, ali nekako isprekidano. Glas joj je bio nekako čudan, skoro nepoznat, ali reči su bile njene. Imao sam utisak da je tu pored mene. Nisam mogao da je dodirnem, ali sam je osetio.

Setio sam se srednjovekovne slike na kojoj Isus, pošto je vaskrsnuo, kaže Mariji Magdaleni da ga ne dira jer je na putu ka svom ocu. To Noli me tangere na latinskom je zahvaljujući Bibliji dobilo višestruko tumačenje u umetnosti. Tako su i  neki umetnici postali poznati jer im je susret Isusa i Magdalene neposredno pred odlazak sa zemlje postao nadahnuće. Istoričari umetnosti kažu i da je čuvena  slika Život iz plavog perioda Pabla Pikasa inspirisana istom temom. Pikaso na njoj preko svog portreta slika portret prijatelja, koji je izvršio samoubistvo.

Meni je sentenca Noli me tangere postala poznata zahvaljujući proučavanju bolesti u književnosti, jer su isti termin neki pisci koristili da opišu skriveno teško oboljenje. S druge strane Noli me tangere može da opiše i odnos okoline prema bolesnom i bolesnog prema najbližima. Ideja da se to prikaže slikom iskorišćena je i u mojoj prvoj knjizi Ordinacija doktora Faustusa, u kojoj sam svaku opisanu bolest prikazao slikom ljudskog lica.

Zahvaljujući sećanju na Tatajanu odlučio sam da se deo knjige 1000 portreta zove Noli me tangere. Izgleda se da nisam ni mogao da stupim sa Tatjanom u kontakt jer nije želela. Međutim, Noli me tangere pokreće Tatjanu priču na način na koji pretpostavljam da bi želela.

Mogućnost da ponovo oživimo Tatjaninu poruku kroz filozofski koncept Noli me tangere je vredan svih dosadašnjih, ali istovremeno ima dovoljno snažnu poruku za sve koji budu želeli da se sete onih koji nisu sa nama.  Korišćenje fotografija i obradom ala Če Gevara verujem da će biti isto toliko intrigantno koliko i portret žive osobe. Print na materijalu vratiće dobri duh onoga ko nam nedostaje i moći ćemo simbolično da ostvarimo kontakt sa njim bar još jednom.

Inicijalno je prikupljeno devet portreta koji su obrađeni ala Čegevara. Odštampani su na majicama, a ideja da svako nešto napiše o svojim najbližima se nije ostvarila, tačnije sem Denisa i Ivane niko nije smogao snage da napiše jedan red. Bilo kako bilo mislimo da su portreti onih koji nisu više sa nama važni, jer dokle god mislimo na njih, oni postoje.

photo: Nebojša Babić

Most people do not think about of re-encountering with the deceased, after they left our lives. I probably belong to a small group of the people who believe in it. I tried to get in touch with my friend Tatiana, burning candles in all of the country’s churches from Ethiopia to Tatarstan, but apart from her image in my thoughts, nothing happened elsewhere. But the image in thoughts came as well because of the project that few of us designed together with Tatiana.

Tatiana’s media campaign Believe in Love was designed to show people how to deal with the most severe diseases. Through 12 pictures Tatiana showed what she believed, but her beautiful body carved with surgical scars after 10 operations. Those 12 images were found on billboards throughout the city also on the calendar and on posters at the oncologist’s congress. I remember how people stopped and watched the posters with a picture of Tatiana. Many thought that it was an art installation with the pictures of a nice model. On those pictures was a beautiful girl, but she was seriously ill, which no one believed. Tatiana has remained so until the last moment, beautiful and mystical.

Some of my friends have seen posters that still stand on the walls of the oncology institute. When they asked me what it was about, I felt a little pressure in my chest and my conversations with Tatiana went through my head, but somehow interrupted. Her voice was kind a strange, almost unknown, but the words were her. I had the impression that she was there beside me. I could not touch her, but I felt her.

I recalled the medieval painting on which Jesus, after resurrection, tells Mary Magdalene not to touch him because he is on his way to his father. This Noli me tangere on Latin due to the Bible has got a multifaceted interpretation in the art. So some artists became famous because the encounter between Jesus and Magdalen just before he was leaving the Earth, immediately became a source of inspiration. Art historians also say that the famous painting Life from the blue period of Pablo Picasso is inspired by the same theme. Picasso over his self-portrait has painted a portrait of a friend who committed suicide.

To me, the sentiment of Noli me tangere became known thanks to the study of illnesses in literature, because the same term was used by some writers to describe the hidden severe illness. On the other hand, the Noli me tangere can describe the attitude of the environment towards the sick and the sick towards the loved ones. The idea to show this by the picture was also used in my first book, Doctor Faustus’s Ambulance, in which I presented each disease through the picture of a human face.

Thanks to remembering Tatiana, I decided that part of the book of 1000 portraits be titled Noli me tangere. It seems that I could not even get in touch with Tatiana because she did not want to. However, Noli me tangere launches Tatiana’s story in the way I suppose she would like.

The opportunity to revive Tatiana’s project through the philosophical concept of Noli me tangere is worth all of the present, but at the same time there is a strong message for all who want to remember those who are not with us. Using photos and processing in the style of Che Guevara will be as intriguing as the portrait of a living person. Print on the material will return the good spirit of the one we miss and we will be able to symbolically make contact with him at least once more.

Initially, nine portraits were collected, which were processed as Che Geuvara portarit. They were printed on T-shirts, but the idea that everyone wrote something about their loved ones did not work out, no one else, except Denis and Ivana, could manage one line to write. Anyway, we think portraits of those who are no longer with us are important, because as long as we think of them, they exist.

One Response

  1. Nada Popovic kaže:

    Nenade ja sam Tanjna drugarica … upoznali smo se… Molim te napisi na blogu da je fotografije uradio Nebojsa Babic … nije hteo to da naplati pa je red ako se fot9grafije koriste mimo njegov znanja i odobrenja da mu se bar ime pomene

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