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Jelka Dekleva Đorđević (1933 – 2018) – DEVOJČICA U BELOM/ A GIRL IN WHITE

5 May , 2018  

U jednoj od statistika piše da je očekivana dužina života muškarca u Srbiji 73 godine, a žene 78 godina.Moja tašta ima 85 godina i pobedila je statistiku pre svega zahvaljujući ćerki koja joj je produžila život savladavši nekoliko bolesti. Prvi je bio infakt miokarda, tako što joj je dobila stent, zatim bazocelularni karcinom koji nije invazivan, ali upravo zahvaljujući zanemarivanju starijih ljudi dovodi do smrti. Onda je na red došao dijabetes, gde možda nije moglo mnogo da se uradi, ne samo zbog toga što je dijabetes nepobediva bolest, veći zato što je Jelkica imala svoje ideje šta treba da se radi, a i saveti prof. M. su bili isuviše telefonski. Bilo je tu i dva preloma, u jednom sam i ja odigrao značajnu ulogu, odnosno odradio lečenje kako dolikuje doktorki. Čine se najgore je bilo sa operacijom žučene kese, koja je verovatno kriva za sve što se sada događa, ali to nikad nećemo znati, zato što nemamo dokaza. Sve u svemu, nagađao sam broj godina, sada znam da je Ana produžila Jelkici život sedam godina.

I to sedam važnih godina, jer je Jelkica praktično do prošle godine aktivno putovala. Samo tri nedelje pre pojave ascitesa bila je u Leskovcu, a nedelju dan pre početka sadašnjeg stanja u Beču. U istom periodu nije propustila mnogo koncerata Beogradske filharmonije, a društveni život je bio takav da često nismo znali gde je. Naravno najinteresantnija je njena osamdeseta godina kada je bila malo utučena, jer nije dovoljno putovala. A u suštini je te godine putovala na toliko različitih mesta koje mnogi od nas neće videti do kraja života. Mislim pre svega na Las Vegas, ali i ostrvo Lezbos, na kome je te godine otvorena sezona, a sada su ponovo prinuđeni da ne primaju goste zbog ogromnog broja izbeglica. Pošto je ta godina bila toliko upitna napravio sam malu knjigu o njenim putovanjima, pa se tu našao i Vankuver, Rodos i Dubrijah, plus proslava Slave i svih rođendana. Tužno je kada tašta kaže da će morati manje da putuje.

A putovala je i ranije. Mislim da je proputovala svih šest kontinenata. Živela je u tri grada. Radila u dve zemlje. Imala je dve specijalizacije. Učila četiri jezika. Svirala jedan instrument. Imala je dve ćerke, dve unuke i dve praunuke. Bila je uvek posebna, što najbolje ilustruje njena slika iz muzičke škole, gde su svi u crnom, a jedno ona u belom sa profesorom klavira Kuraginom u centru slike.

Sva bića na ovom svetu jednom odu. Zbog toga svako treba da nađe radost življenja tokom života i da se ne plaši kraja. Ko ovo poriče, poriče sam život. Jelkicina borba je završena. Nadam se da je stigla gde treba, kako kažu monasi, desno od gospoda Boga. Verujem da ćemo se opet sresti.

In one of the statistics it is said that the life expectancy of a man in Serbia is 73 years, and 78 years for women. My mother-in-law is 85 years old and she has beaten the statistics primarily thanks to her daughter who has prolonged her life by treating several diseases. The first was myocardial infarction, by putting a stent, then a basocellular carcinoma that was not invasive, but because of the negligence of older people in many cases it could lead to death. Later diabetes came to order, where it might not have been possible to do much, not just because diabetes is an unbearable disease, more because Jelkica had her ideas on what to do, and also advises of prof. M. were too telephonic. There were also two fractures, in one of them I played a significant role, actually I organized the treatment as the doctors deserve. It seems the worst was with a gallbladder operation, which is probably the fault for everything that is happenned, but we will never know it because we have no evidence. All in all, I guessed the number of years, now I know that Ana has extended Jelkica’s life for seven years.

And that’s seven important years, since Jelkica practically until last year travelled actively. Just three weeks before the onset of ascites was in Leskovac, and a week before the beginning in Vienna. In the same period, she did not miss many concerts of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, and social life was such that we often did not know where she was. Of course, the most interesting one was her eighties when she was a little upset because she thought that she did not travel enough. Generally, she travelled to so many different places in one year, that many of us will not see for the rest of lives. I mean, first of all, Las Vegas, but also the island of Lesbos, where the season was opened that year, and now they are forced again not to accept tourists because of the huge number of migrants. Since that year was so questionable, I made a small book on her travels and add Vancouver, Rhodes and Döbriach, plus the celebration of the Slava and all birthdays. It was sad when mother in law said that she would have to travel less.

And she travelled earlier. I think she travelled to all six continents. She lived in three cities. She worked in two countries. She had two specializations. She taught four languages. She played one instrument. She had two daughters, two granddaughters and two great granddaughters. She was always special, which best illustrates picture from a music school, where everyone is in black, and she is the only one in white with a professor of piano Kuragin in the center of the picture.

All beings must leave the world at one point. Therefore, everyone should find the joy of life throughout the life and not be afraid of the end. Who denies this, denies the life. Jelkica’s fight is over. I hope she has arrived, as the monks say, to the right side of the Lord God. We might meet again.


One Response

  1. Mata kaže:

    Bravo Nenade o lepoj priči o Jelkici veliko zadovoljstvo i čast mi je što sam je poznavao i neko vreme proveo sa njom i njenom porodicom! Neka počiva u miru RIP! slava joj!

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