Noli me tangere

David Ibišbegović (1995 – 2003) – Poslao sam anđela! / I have sent an Angel!

17 Sep , 2017  

Mnogo sam voleo ljuto.Omiljena mi je bila jako ljuta Halapenjo čedar supa. Sećam se kako me je tata, ispod oka, sa dobro skrivenim ponosom, posmatrao dok sam je stoički srkao u meksičkom restoranu Iguana u Budimpešti. Tada sam imao jedva 6 godina.

Bio sam i odličan sportista. Tenis sam igrao sasvim solidno za svoju generaciju, voleo sam da igram fudbal u parkiću ispred zgrade i u školskom dvorištu, ali mi je skijanje bilo omiljeno. Tata me je stavio na skije još dok sam jedva i hodao. Imao sam nepune dve godine kada smo bili u Livinju, kada me je tata stavljao na neke male skijice i držeći me između nogu spuštao niz snežne padine. Kako sam samo uživao tada! Planinsku tišinu aplsikh skijaških staza remetila je samo moja radosna cika i smeh. Znam da su tatu bolela leđa i kolena, ali je i on jednako uživao. Na našem poslednjem skijanju, 2003 godine, kada sam imao već 8 godina, bio sam toliko dobar, da me je tata jedva pratio. Mislim da je bio jako ponosan na mene kad sam mu jednom prilikom rekao: tata, ove crne staze su dosadne, ajmo na hupsere. Bilo je to divno zimovanje. Skijali smo zajedno, uzivali, radovali se, čak i kad sam pao i razbio usnu, nisam plakao dok mi je tata brisao krv sa lica. Kao da sam znao da će nam to biti poslednje skijanje i kao da sam želeo da mu takav, hrabar, veseo, spretan, lep, ostanem u sećanju.

Bio sam odličan đak, ali eto, nisam uspeo da završim ni prvi razred. Valjda sam bio određen ovde, na mojoj zvezdi, pravim društvo Malom Princu. Dobro nam je ovde. Lepo se dužimo i činimo razna dobra dela. Pomažemo ljudima da prebole nevolje i da uživaju u životu. Mnogo putujemo. To mi je ostalo od tate i mame koji su mi udahnuli ljubav za putovanja i pustolovine. Kad na našim putovanjima vidim da je nekom teško, da ga nešto tišti, ja mu priđem, pomognem, utešim. Ako baš ne ide, pošaljem mu anđela koji će biti stalno sa njim, koji će mu pomagati i štititi ga. Tako sam i mami i tati poslao Andjela, kad sam video da im je bilo strašno teško  bez mene. Nije taj Andjeo zamena za mene. On je tu da im udahne život, da ih čuva i oplemenjuje. Zato sam poslao najboljeg od svih andjela. Kad sam ja morao da dođem ovde, kao najbolji od svih, onda su i oni zaslužili da dobiju najboljeg.

Znam da ponekad tata gleda u nebo i pokušava da nađe moju zvezdu. Zbog toga često ide u planinu, jer se nebo bolje vidi sa planinskih vrhova, daleko od gradske svetlosti. Znam da voli reči mog drugara Malog Princa: „Ako voliš jedan cvet, koji se nalazi na nekom planetu, onda je ugodno noću posmatrati nebo. Tad su sve zvezde rascvetne.“

napisao Denis

I loved the spicy food a lot. My favourite was Jalapeno cheddar soup. I remember that my dad, under the eye, with a well-covered pride, watched as I stoically sipped soup at the Mexican restaurant “Iguana” in Budapest. At that time, I was barely six years old.

I was a great athlete. I played tennis perfectly for my generation. I liked to play football in the park in front of the building and in the school yard, but skiing was my favourite sport. Dad put me on the skis first time while I was barely walking. I was almost two years old when we were in Livigno, when my dad put me on some small skis and, holding me between the legs, put me down a snowy slope. How I just enjoyed it then! The mountain silence of the Alps ski slopes was only disturbed by my joyful grin and laughter. I know that my dad blew his back and knees, but he also enjoyed it equally. On our last skiing, in 2003, when I was eight, I was so good, that dad was barely able to cope with me. I think he was very proud of me when I told him once: Dad, these black pistes are so boring, let’s ski moguls. It was a wonderful winter. We were skiing together, enjoying, rejoicing, even when I fell and smashed my lips, I did not cry while dad was wiping the blood off my face. As if I knew it would be our last skiing, and as if I wanted to stay in his memory as a brave, cheerful, smart and beautiful boy.

I was a great student, but I did not manage to finish the first grade. I guess I was assigned here, on my star, to make a company to the Little Prince. We’re fine here. We do well and do a lot of good deeds. We help people to overcome the troubles and to enjoy life. We travel a lot. My dad and mom gave me passion for traveling and adventures, so we fly all around the world. When, during our travels, I see someone sorrow, someone with burden on his shoulders, I approach him; try to help, to comfort him. If it doesn’t really work, I sent him an angel who will be with him constantly, who would help him and protect him. So, I sent the Angel to my mom and dad, when I saw how they are terribly coping without me. This Angel is not my replacement. It is there to bring them back to life, protect them and enrich them. So, I sent the best of all angels. When I had to come here, as the best one, then they also deserved to get the best.

I know that sometimes dad looks at the sky and tries to find my star. This is why he often goes to the mountain, because the sky is better seen from the mountain peaks, far from city lights. I know he loves the words of my Little Prince: “If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers. „

by Denis

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