By me

Nepoznata indijanka / Unknown Indian women (second half of 19. century) Ponos i tuga / Pride and sadness

17 Oct , 2019  

Poseta muzeju pionira Kolorado springsa bila je neplanirana,   ali kao i uvek naučili smo puno. Čini mi se da kada bi na svakom putovanju posetili bar jedan muzej razumeli bi bolje čovečanstvo. Ovako smo videli da je Kolorado springs osnovao general Vilijam Džekson Palmer, da je mesto bilo sunčano i da su ga neki zvali Sunčani grad (City of Sunshine), a pogotovo tuberkulozni bolesnici koji su kao na Čarobnom bregu Tomasa Mana, na visini od 2000 m obasjanom suncem, u dvadesetak sanatorijuma provodili svoje poslednje dane. Čini se da Kolorado Springs nije mnogo promenio od vremena generala Palmera. I dalje deluje spokojno, kao nekada i čovek prosto oseća neki mir isto toliko koliko i nedostatak kiseonika. Očigledno se na i jedno i drugo navikne. Možda je baš taj mir privukao i Nikolu Teslu. Čuvena slika gde sedi među munjama je ovde nastala. Od laboratorije ništa nije ostalo, ali se zato škola za talentovanu decu zove po njemu. I Kolorado springs bi možda izgledao mirno i romantično da u muzeju ne postoji i izložba portreta Indijanaca. Zahvaljujući neverovatnom daru fotografa Ronalda Rida ostali su ovekovečeni portreti Indijanaca od druge polovine do kraja devetnaestog veka. I taj romantizam zamenjuje zlo prvih pionira doseljenika koji su uništili nekoliko suverenih plemena. Nama svakako najpoznatiji Čejeni, koji su otrgnuti od zaborava u stripovima i filmovima o divljem zapadu. Najbolji dokaz da iza američkog sna postoji zločin koji nikada nije kažnjen. Pioniri su zauzeli njihovu zemlju i prisvojili sve, ali nisu mogli da ih pokore. Na slici se vidi Indijanka sa nožem o pojasu, na obali jezera. Verovatno zbog njenog ponositog pogleda i najviše volim portret kao umetničku formu.  Da te fotografije nema ni bismo ni znali kakvi su bili Indijanci.  Ne bismo ni osetili ni tugu za nestalim narodom. I bili bi pod utiskom stereotipa da su bili primitivni i nekulturni divljaci. Dobro je da ne budimo indiferentni prema njihovoj sudbini, jer se zločin ljudi stalno ponavlja. A meni ostaje uteha da sam kao mali uvek više voleo da u igri budem Indijanac.

A visit to the Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum was unplanned, but as always, we learned a lot. It seems to me that if we visited at least one museum on each trip, we would understand better humanity. We learned that Colorado Springs was founded by General William Jackson Palmer, that the place was sunny, and some called it the City of Sunshine, especially tuberculosis patients who like sunlight on 2000 m, like in the Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain, and who spent in twenty sanatoriums their last days. Colorado Springs does not seem to have changed much since General Palmer’s time. It still seems calm as in the past. The visitor just feels peace as much as a lack of oxygen. Obviously, people get used to both. Perhaps it was this peace that attracted Nikola Tesla. The famous image where he sits among the lightning was made here. There’s nothing left of the lab, but one school for talented kids is named after him. And Colorado springs might seem peaceful and romantic if there weren’t even an exhibition of Native American portraits in the museum. Thanks to the incredible gift of photographer Ronald Reed, immortalized portraits of Native Americans from the second half to the end of the nineteenth century remained. And this romanticism replaces the evil of the first pioneers who destroyed several sovereign tribes. Certainly, the most famous were Cheyenne, who has been torn away from oblivion in comics and movies about the Wild West. The best evidence that there is a crime behind the American dream that has never been punished. The pioneers occupied their land and seized everything but could not conquer them. The picture shows an Indian woman with a knife on her belt, on the shore of a lake. Probably because of her proud look and I like portraiture as an art form. If we didn’t have those photos, we wouldn’t even know what the Indians were like. We would not also feel sadness for the missing people. And we would be under the impression of a stereotype that they were primitive and uncultured savages. It is good not to be indifferent to their fate because the crime of people is repeated continuously. As a comfort, I always preferred to be an Indian in the game as a kid.

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