
Skupe greške doktora u sportu / Shocking mistakes of a doctors in sports

14 Jul , 2018  

Iako sam želeo da nazovem članak ozbiljnije,kao npr. Pomen sportskoj medicini u Srbiji, odustao sam iz dva razloga. Prvi je samopregorni rad velikog broja doktora u Srbiji, pa bi se ovakav naziv utopio u etiku žute štampe.  A drugi je vezan za činjenicu da su u samo malom broj slučajeva učestvovali doktori sportske medicine. Pri tom ne želim da ih izuzmem, već upravo da naglasim njihovu nezainteresovanost, čak i onda kada su im neposredno povereni sportisti.

Pravi povod je odluka Arbitražnog suda u Lozani da se jednom od naših najboljih mladih vaterpolista potvrdi izrečena kazna od dve godine za prisustvo pseduoefedrina. I možda bi ovo bila obična antidoping vest, da se ne radi o nikad strožijoj kazni, bar u odnosu na sve koje sam pročitao, kod mladog sportiste koji je dobio lek od porodičnog doktora. Činjenica  da sportista nije želeo da se protiv doktora vodi bilo kakav postupak, govori i o poverenju koje u njega imao, ali i o moralu, jer ga porodica doživljava kao prijatelja. Što je još interesantnije, doktor ne može da kaže da nije znao da je pacijent sportista, jer ga  leči od malena zbog alergijske astme i dobro se poznaju.

Naravno, po zakonu sportista snosi svu odgovornost za sve što se nalazi u njegovom organizmu, ali, ima tu mnogo, ali. Vaterpolista je mlad i kao mnogi mladi ljudi nije svestan šta je dozvoljeno, a šta nije. Po sopstvenim rečima, prespavao je obavezne antidoping edukacije, što opet možda nije čudno zbog premora nakon sati treninga i ostalih obaveza. A šta bi bilo da nije imao mogućnost da prisustvuje antidoping edukacijama. I uvek može da se vadi, da nije znao da lek sadrži pseudoefedrin. Prosto neverovatno, ali od deset lekova za prehladu u Srbiji, devet ima psedoefedrinn.

Ovako smo dobili još jednog sportistu koji je stradao zbog greške doktora. Tačnije 13 od 84 koji su bili doping pozitivni od 2006. godine. To je ni manje ni više nešto više od 15% ili SVAKI ŠESTI. Mnogo je, pogotovo ako se zna da sem dvojce doktora i jednog farmaceuta, praktično niko nije dodatno snosio posledice. A bilo je razloga da bude drugačije. Međutim, većina je prošla bez kazne i bez opomene. A u skoro 50 posto slučajeva su dali diuretike, koji su zabranjeni i na takmičenju i van takmičenja. I možda bilo bi sve OK da su bar medicinski ispravno mislili, ali ni tu nisu poštovali doktrinu. Davali su mladim ljudima diuretike kod skoka pritiska ili otoka nogu. Među ostalim lekovima najviše je bilo simulanata, pa su zatim u po jednom slučaju dati beta blokatori, anabolici i hormoni. Zahvaljujući tim neverovatnim greškama lekara sportisti su dobili ukupno 173 meseca ili više od 13 meseci po slučaju. E sad zamislite da je nekom lekaru oduzeta licenca na 13 meseci, ne njegovom krivicom. Nije se desilo, čak ni kada su bili krivi. Konačno nisu stradali sportisti iz jednog sporta već naprotiv iz 12, mada džudo lagano predvodi sa dva slučaja.

Pisao sam o ovome i najvećem svetskom časopisu. Lekari nisu razumeli problem. Naprotiv, dobijao sam neprijatne poruke iz Španije. Rekli su, ti si doktor, kako možeš da pišeš protiv nas. Slično me je pitao i sudija prilikom izricanja kazne jednom od doktora u Srbiji. Odgovor je bio jednostavan pogrešili su i treba da snose posledice, a ne da se sakriju iza sportiste, koji je tek kročio u život.

Although I wanted to name an article more seriously, like, The mourning of sports medicine in Serbia, I gave up for two reasons. The first is the hardworking of a large number of doctors in Serbia, so this title would drown in the ethics of the yellow press. The other is related to the fact that in only a small number of cases doctors of sports medicine participated. I do not want to exclude them, but just to emphasize their lack of interest, even when they are directly entrusted to athletes.

The right reason for this is the decision of the Arbitration Court in Lausanne that in one of our best young water polo players is confirmed a sentence of two years for the presence of pseudoefedrine. And perhaps this would be a simple antidoping news, that it was not so severe punishment, at least in relation to everything I read, at a young athlete who received a medication from a family doctor. The fact that the athlete did not want to open any kind of procedure against the doctor, it also speaks of the trust he had, but also about morality, because the family considered him as a friend. More interesting, the doctor cannot say that he did not know that the patient is an athlete, because he was treating him from childhood because of allergic asthma and is well acquainted.

Of course, according to the law of the athlete is responsible for everything that is in his body, but, there are many, but. Water polo player is young and as many young people are not aware of what is allowed and what is not. In his own words, he slept obligatory antidoping education, which may not be weird because of a fatigue after many training hours and other duties. And what would have happened if he did not have the opportunity to attend anti-doping education? He can always say, that he did not know that the drug contained pseudoephedrine. Simply, out of ten drugs for the cold in Serbia, nine have pseudoefedrinn.

This is how we got another athlete who was punished because of a doctor’s mistake. More precisely 13 out of 84 who have been doping positive since 2006. It’s no less than 15% or EVERY SIXTH. It is a lot, especially if it is known that except two doctors and one pharmacist, practically, nobody has any further consequences. And there was reason to be different. However, the majority passed without a sentence, even without a warning. And in nearly 50 percent of cases, they have prescribed diuretics, which are banned in the competition and out of the competition. And it maybe would be all right that they did it right in medical terms, but they did not respect the doctrine. They gave to young people diuretics for high blood pressure or oedema of the legs. Among other drugs, there were mostly simulants, and in one case they prescribed beta-blockers, anabolic and hormones. Thanks to these terrible physician mistakes, athletes got a total of 173 months sanctions or more than 13 months per the case. Imagine now that doctor lost his licence for 13 months, not by his guilt. It did not happen, even when he was guilty. Finally, athletes from one sport did not get sanctioned, but on the contrary, from 12, although the judo is slowly leading in two cases.

I wrote about this and the world’s largest medical journal. The doctors did not understand the mesage. On the contrary, I received unpleasant emails from Spain. They told me, you a doctor, how can you write against us. Likewise, the judge asked me when he was sentenced one of the doctor in Serbia. The answer was simple, doctors were mistaken and should bear the consequences, not to hide behind an athlete, who is  just getting into life.


One Response

  1. Radmilo Isaković says:

    Problem sportske medicine je što kod nas ona ne postoji. Formiranje i usaglašav anje prema sadašnjim potre bama moguće je samo na osnovu referentnih kadrova koji bi bili ugovorno vezani za date radnje i postupke. Kadar bi se uzimao prema osnovnoj specijalizaciji, dogradio upoznavanjem sa sportskom problematikom, a radno mesto bi omogućilo primenu znanja pretočenog u date neophodne radnje. To bi bilo u ustanovanama tercijalnog nivoa zdravstvene zaštite, Kliničkih centara i KBC-ova. Izabrani lekari bi tako sprovodili lečenje sportiste, znajući i imajući predstavu o njegovim napravljenim naporima, i onim koji ga očekuju (duboki čučanj od 300kg). Sistematski pregledi bi obuhvatali savremenu dijagnostiku, tako da bi se eventualni propusti sveli na minimum, a uzgred bi se adekvatno pratilo zdravlje sportiste i na vreme reagovalo.
    Poto bez sofisticiranih sredstava nema vrhunskih rezultata ( ne trče nih osmorica ispod 10 sekundi na 100m hraneći se šniclama i mladim sirom), ove ustanove sa visoko obrazovanim kadrom i tehničkim mogućnostima, bi mogle da konkurišu u dozvoljenoj formi za poboljšanje sportskih rezultata, bez značajnijeg narušavanja zdravlja i bez pozitivne doping kontrole.

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