
Nelson Mandela 1918 – 2013 – Zbogom Madiba / Adieu Madiba

10 Dec , 2013  

Sa velikim Madibom smo se oprostili na meču Lige Šampiona 10. decembra 2013 u Atini. UEFA koja skoro nikada na svojim utakmicama ne iznosi stavove, zahvalila se velikom Nelsonu Mandeli za sve što je učinio za čovečanstvo. Da je Grčka u 20 veku imala Mendelu sigurno se ne bi ovako završili.

Grčka je bila kolevka civilizacije. Nekoliko puta je propadala i uzdizala se, ali poslednji ekonomski sunovrat nije morao da čeka nekoliko generacija da bi se pokazala bahatost i nemar. Postoji samo velelepni metro, kao spomenik poslednjih velikih investicija. Bar je on ostao da podseća na sjaj Olimpijskih igara 2004. Koliko je tada para potrošeno. Kada se setim gospođe koja vozi Bentli i odgovara da je bilo neophodno da se potroši nekoliko milijardi evra vise. Ostao je i auto put, mada je sinoć na delovima izgledao sablasno, beztipične gužve u saobraćaju

Ostale su i velelepne arene, ali očigledno da je samo stadion Olmpijakosa dobio pravu ulogu. Ostali stadioni na Pireju deluju kao arheološki ostaci s početka veka.

Zimski dan sa vetrom dodatno cini Atinu hladnom. Ljudi ćute. Nema onog mediteranskog žamora. Ekonomska destrukcija i hladnoća i od najlepšeg mesta na svetu mogu da naprave zapećak. Tako nekako je i izgledao i Monastiraki, đubre na ulici, zatvorene radnjice, bez turista, a cena girosa pala se 2,2 evra na svega 2.

U poređenju sa Katmanduom nema razlike, osim sto su tamo ljudi znatno veseliji. Kod njih nema girosa, tačnije mesa, već generacije žive na pirinču prelivenim supom od sočiva i malo povrća. Samo ime ukazuje na magični obrok koji drži ljude ceo dan, Dal bat.

Ne verujem da će i Grčka svesti svoju kulinarsku ponudu na Dal bat, ali hrane definitvno nema za sve. I to je ono sto sve češće vidim. Tačnije hrane ima i previse. Ljudi nikad nisu bili gojazniji, ali je lose raspoređena i sve lošijeg kvaliteta. To je još jedan poraz čovečanstva koje se ne osvrće na svoju gladnu decu i smrt zbog gladi.

Atina kao simbol propadanja zapadnog sveta. Ne samo da su ti ljudi, nama slični zanemeli, već izgleda da ne vide rešenje. Trošilo se megalos kako se kaže na grčkom puno, a sada nema para za hranu.

Svetlost Mediterana nekako škilji, a stjuardesa mi na izlasku iz aviona kaže da se čuvam na ulicama Atine. Kažem, idem u Monastiraki, Plaku. Bas tamo, dodaje lako se medju malobrojnim vidi da si turista.

I šta sada, dovesti političare iz svih zemalja sveta koji odlučuju o sudbini svojih naroda, da vide šta zaduženost i bahatost mogu da urade zapadnoj kolevki civilizacije, da bi pokušali svoju gramzivost i mržnju da suspregnu i iskoriste znanje malobrojnih i sačuvaju zemlju, jer bez sunca sve izgleda tako hladno i sivo.

Pa nek se klibere na hladnoći i vetru, a ne na sahrani jednog od najznačajnijih ljudi našeg veka. Bar malo njegove vizije im treba da uspore zemljin neminovni kraj.

Zbogom Madiba i posalji nam ponekad neki savet i poruku šta da radimo.

We said good bye to the great Madiba on the match of the Champions League on December 10, 2013 in Athens. UEFA, who has almost never realized position in their games, thanked Nelson Mandela for everything he did for mankind. If Greece had Mendela in the 20th century, it would surely not end like this.

Greece was the cradle of civilization. Several times it collapsed and rose, but the last economic collapse did not have to wait for several generations to show arrogance and negligence. There is only a magnificent metro, as a monument of the last major investments. At least it stayed to remind of the splendor of the 2004 Olympic Games. How much money was spent then. When I remember the lady, who drives Bentley and says it was necessary to spend several billion euros more. There was also a highway, although he looked awkward on the parts last night, without typical crowds in traffic.

There are other magnificent arenas, but obviously only Olimpiakos stadium got the right role. Other stadiums in Piraeus act as archaeological remains from the beginning of the century.

Winter wind additionally makes Athens cold. People are silent. There is no Mediterranean meddling. Economic destruction and cold and the most beautiful places in the world can make a empty corner. So it somehow looked like Monastiraki, garbage on the street, closed shops, no tourists, and the price of a gyros felt down from 2.2 euros to just 2.

Compared with Kathmandu there is no difference, except that people are much more cheerful there. They do not have gyros, or more precisely meat, but generations live on rice dressed with lentils and a little bit of vegetables. The name itself points to a magical meal that keeps people energetic all day long, Dal bat.

I do not think that Greece will reduce its culinary offer to Dal Bat but definitely there is no food for everyone. And that’s what I see more often. More precisely, there are too much food. People have never been more obese, but food are poorly distributed and it’s a bad quality. This is another downfall of humanity that does not look back at its hungry children and the death of hunger.

Athens as a symbol of the collapse of the Western world. Not only are these people, like us, neglected, but they seem to not see the solution. There was a meagalos as Greeks say a lot, and now there is no money for food.

The brightness of the Mediterranean is somehow squinting, and the flight attendants at the exit from the plane say to take care on the streets of Athens. I say, I’m going to Monastiraki, Plaka. Exactly there, it’s easy to see among the few that you are a tourist.

What now, bring politicians from all over the world who decide on the fate of their peoples, to see what indebtedness and arrogance can do the western cradle of civilization, to try their greed and hatred to subdue and use the knowledge of the few and preserve the land, because without the sun everything looks so cold and grey.

Well, they could smile on the cold and the wind, not at the funeral of one of the most important people of our age. At least a few of Mandela vision should slow down the Earth’s inevitable end.

Farewell to Madiba and send us sometimes some advice and a message what to do!


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