1000 portraits

Vojislava Nešković (1966) Moja heroina / My heroine

9 Jan , 2021  

Sa nekim ljudima ne moraš dugo da se vidiš, a da pri tom ne izgubiš nimalo na bliskosti s njima. Naravno da među mojim prijateljima ima mnogo lekara, ali prvi lekari su uvek imali svoje mesto. Još ako s njima mogu da polemišem oko svega onda oni zaista posebni. Vojkica je upravo takva rođena da bude lekar, valjda je zato izabrala najtežu oblast, anesteziju. Pravi intelektualac, sa kojom možeš da pričaš o svemu. Ne kažem da smo se u svemu slagali, ali valjda je to suština dobre diskusije. I onda za malo da to sve nestane. Nakon nekoliko meseci lečenja bolesnika od Covida 19 i sama se razbolela i situacija je postala ozbiljna. Upala pluća je bila toliko jaka, da je morala da ide na respirator. Osetio sam veliki teret, iako je njen muž, a moj dragi drug Saša, rekao da se složila i praktično sama sebi ordinirala i respirator i tocilizumab. I dani su prolazili, sa malo informacija koje sam imao osećao sam veliku zabrinutost i nemoć. Uvek sa voleo da budem s one strane i da lečim. Tako je bilo i za vreme rata u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Šest godina sam lečio žrtve rata i borio se najbolje što sam mogao. Kako to već bude u životu počeo sam da se bavim drugim stvarima i prava medicina je ostala iza mene. Ovoga puta nisam mogao da pomognem. Ipak Vojkici je bilo bolje i skinuli su je sa respiratora nakon nekoliko dana. Kakvu sam sreću osetio. Božanska pravda, ona koja je izlečila toliko ljudi, je ozdravila. Moći će ona ponovo da trči polumarton, a zakazali i smo i sledeće ronjenje. Moja heroina.

You don’t have to see some people for a long time without losing any closeness to them. Of course, there are many doctors among my friends, but the real doctors always had a special place. Yet, if I can argue with them about everything, then they are exceptional. Vojkica was born to be a doctor, which is probably why she chose the most challenging field of anesthesia. She is a real intellectual with whom you can talk about everything. I’m not saying that we agreed on everything, but I guess that’s the essence of a good discussion. And then almost all of that could have disappeared. After several months of treating the patient with Covid 19, she became ill, and the situation became serious. The pneumonia was so severe that she had to go on a ventilator. Even though her husband and my dear friend Sasha said she agreed and practically prescribed herself a ventilator and tocilizumab, I felt a great burden. And the days went by, with the little information I had, I felt great anxiety and helplessness. I always liked to be on the other side and treat people. It was the same during the war in former Yugoslavia. I treated the victims of the war for six years and fought the best I could. As it happens in my life, I started doing other things, and real medicine stayed behind. I couldn’t help it this time. However, Vojkica was better, and they took her off the ventilator after a few days. What happiness I felt. Divine justice, the one that has healed so many people, has recovered. She will be able to rerun the half marathon, and we have scheduled the next scuba dive—my heroine.

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