1000 portraits

Vladmir Nikolić (1980) Clash

14 Jul , 2022  

Prvo sam upoznao ravne bele površine koje je Vlada stvarao,a onda video da se one uklapaju u savršen prostor koji je napravio.  Nisam mnogo znao o njemu, a onda sam prepoznao Kastra na njegovom Viber profilu i shvatio kroz priču da je i revolucionar i roker. Možda sam zbog toga pomislio da reč „Clash“ dobro opisuje sve ono što je Vlada radio da bi opstao. Pri tom je važno reći da nikada nije bio nasilan što doslovce reč znači, već samo svestan da mora da se odupre sistemu tako da nađe sopstveno mesto u njemu. Boreći se uspeo je da prevaziđe mnoge prepreke.  Odlaskom sa Kosova se skućio, oženio, dobio troje dece, ali uvek stremio više. S jedne strane ljubav prema majstorisanju mu je omogućila da preživi, a s druge je pretvorio u veštinu koja mu je omogućila da ga ljudi primete, ali da shvate da nije običan majstor. Prošlog vikenda sam pokazivao njegova 3D grafička rešenja ćerki i zaista je potpuno drugi doživljaj kada ga spoznate iz tog ugla. Ispostavlja se da su veštine danas važnije od formalnog obrazovanja, jer  pomoću njih rešavamo probleme. Naravno oduvek je to bilo tako, ali danas je suština da nešto ili znaš ili ne znaš. Verovatno je to razlog zašto se Vlada nametnuo i postao konsultant drugim majstorima i ovde i inostranstvu. Jednom rečju pokušava da se nametne i možda baš zato promeni sudbinu. I tu krećemo od antičke suštine koja kaže da bez rada nema prosperiteta (Sofokle) do modernih biznis gurua koji podjednako vrednuju rad i kažu radeći najbolje što možeš danas dobijaš bolju poziciju sutra (Hjulit i Pakard). A možda za Vladu najviše ono Stramerovo (Džo Stramer, frontmen Clash-a) „ne možeš živeti u prošlosti ako želiš bilo kakvu budućnost“.

First, I found the flat white surfaces that Vlada was creating, and then I saw that they fit into the perfect space he had done. I didn’t know much about him, and then I recognized Castro on his Viber profile and realized through the story that he is both a revolutionary and a rocker. Maybe that’s why I thought the word “Clash” was a good description of everything he was doing to survive. It is important to say that he was never violent in the literal sense of the word, but only aware that he had to resist the system to find his place in it. By fighting, he managed to overcome many obstacles. After leaving Kosovo, he settled down, married, and had three children but always strived for more. On the one hand, his love for painting and building allowed him to survive, and on the other hand, he turned it into a skill that allowed people to notice him but understand that he was not an ordinary builder. Last weekend I was showing his 3D graphics solutions to my daughter, and it’s an entirely different experience when you get to know him from that angle. It turns out that skills are more important than formal education today because we use them to solve problems. Of course, it has always been that way, but today the bottom line is that you either know something or you don’t. This is probably why Vlada imposed himself and became a consultant to other builders here and abroad. In a word, he is trying to set himself, and maybe that’s why he changed his fate. And here, we start from the ancient essence that says that without work, there is no prosperity (Sophocles) to modern business gurus who equally value work and say that by doing your best today, you will get a better position tomorrow (Hewlett and Packard). And perhaps the most important for Vlada is Strummer’s  words (Joe Strummer, Clash frontman) “you can’t hold onto the past if you want any future.”

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