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Vladimir Vuleković (1956) – Etika iznad duha palanke / Ethics above spirit of the small town

6 Aug , 2017  

Susret advokata i doktora je uvek interesantan. I jedni i drugi su morali mnogo da uče da bi postigli nešto, bez obzira gde žive u bivšoj zemlji nemaju dovoljno razumevanja od strane države, rade u sistemima koji se urušavaju, nemaju mogućnost da bilo šta poprave, iako jedini i drugi predstavljaju stubove društva. U suštini jadne su države koje ovo ne razumeju, one su jednostavno osuđene na nestajanje. A čini mi se da je upravo suština svega ne etičnost, jer administraciji čini svom narodu ono što ne bi volela da se čini njoj. I zato svaki put kada nađem na nekog sa etikom, čini mi se da ima spasa.

Advokata Vulekovića ne poznajem dobro, videli smo se nekoliko puta. Prvi put vezano za neke pravne poslove.  Preda mnom je sedeo čoveka koji promišlja šta govori. Na momente mi je izgledao kao lekar na konzilijumu koji kritički preispituje sve što će konačno biti odlučeno. I pri tom citira neke članove zakona dosta samouvereno, kao dobar doktor neke retke podatke o bolestima. To je ono što kod advokata inače najviše volim, da koristeći zakon učine najbolje za svoje klijente, kao što su se lekari zakleli da će raditi najbolje u interesu svojih pacijenata. Nakon toga sam bio u njegovoj kancelariji. Osim utiska da sve funkcioniše, slučajno sam prisustvovao razgovoru sa kolegom iz Beograda, kome je učinio nešto na sudu. Na pitanje kolege oko plaćanja Vladimir je odgovorio da kolegama ne naplaćuje. Nisam prokomentarisao, ali oduvek sam se držao stava da lekarima ne naplaćujem pregled i da oni ne čekaju. Ne kažem da nije bilo problema, ali mislim da je i to deo neizgovorene zakletve. Jednostavno tako treba. I sam sam bio počastvovan vrhunskim  pregledima i profesionalnim odnosom kolega, koje nisam platio. Opet to prvo načelo etike, čini drugome ono što bi voleo da bude činjeno tebi.

I na kraju opet mala sličnost sa gospodinom Vulekovićem. Ono u svom hedonističkom zanosu ideje jedan korak dalje i od mene. Naime voli da se u dobrim restoranima direktno  dogovori sa kuvarom šta da spreme. Naravno to je prednost života u malom mestu, gde svako svakog zna. Ali ujedno život u malom mestu za nekog koje je intelektualac i drži do lične etike je izazov. Jednostavno mnogo je lakše biti sve to u velikom gradu, u malom se moraš boriti sa duhovima malograđanštine i neznanjem palanke. Jer kako kaže Radomir Konstantinović u svojoj kultnoj knjizi Filozofija palanke: Za duh palanke stil je obrazac koji treba podržati svojim životom.

The meeting of a lawyer and a doctor is always interesting. Both of them had to learn a lot to achieve something, no matter where they live in the former country, they do not have enough understanding from the state, they work in systems that collapse, they do not have the opportunity to correct anything, although both are the pillars of society. In essence poor countries that do not understand this, they are simply condemned to disappear. And it seems to me that the essence of everything is non-ethics, because the administration makes it to its people what they would not like to be done to themselves. And so every time I find someone with an ethic, It seems, there is a salvation.

I do not know well the lawyer Vulekovic. I have seen him several times. First time related to some legal affairs. In front of me was a man thinking about what he was saying. At moments, it seemed to me as a medical specialist who critically examines everything that will finally be decided. In doing so, he cites some articles of the law quite confidently, as a good doctor of some rare disease data. That’s what I usually like at lawyer, using law to do best for their clients, as doctors have sworn to do best in the interests of their patients. After that, I was in his office. Apart from the impression that everything works, I accidentally attended a conversation with a colleague from Belgrade, whom he did something in court. Asked by a colleague about payment, Vladimir replied that he is not charging colleagues. I did not comment, but I have always maintained the attitude that doctors do not charge an examination and doctors do not wait. I’m not saying that there was no problem, but I think it’s part of the unanswered oath. Just like that. I was also honored with the excellent examination and the professional attitude of colleagues which I did not pay. Again, this principle of ethics –  Do to others what you want them to do to you.

And finally, there is a small similarity with Mr. Vulekovic. In his hedonistic enthusiasm, the idea is one step away from me. Namely, he likes to have a good agreement with the chef in good restaurants about what to prepare. Of course, this is the advantage of living in a small town, where everyone knows each other. But at the same time, life in a small town for someone who is an intellectual and holds to personal ethics is a challenge. It’s just a lot easier to be all in a big city, in the small you have to fight with the ignorance and ghosts of small-towns. Like Radomir Konstantinović have said in his cult book The small town philosophy: For the spirit of small town, style is a pattern that should be supported by life.


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