1000 portraits

Vera Kijanović (1965) i Ivana Jović (1986) – Dva portreta u jednom / Two portraits in one

22 Aug , 2017  

Posle priče o Bojanu nisam se baš najbolje osećao, pa poželeo da napišem nešto lepše, a mislim da ništa nije lepše od uspeha.Po prvi put pišem o dvema osobama istovremeno, što možete da doživite i kao dva portreta u jednom. Mislim da je važno uhvatiti ličnost osobe, a ukoliko se vidi odnos prema drugoj osobi tim bolje.  Veru i Ivanu sam upravo tako video, kao dve različite osobe od koje se svaka autentično razvijala, ali uz mnogo toga što ih povezuje. Verovatno su zato majka i ćerka, što ćete i sami zaključiti gledajući fotografiju. Za kratko vreme sam od njih mnogo čuo i naučio.  Za razliku od mene koji sam naučen da prvo moram da nešto naučim da bih radio, one su kroz rad učile i stvarale tako da su postale majstori u svom poslu. One prave igraonice zajedno sa Majstorom Bobom o kome ću nadam se imati prilike da napišem koji red, jer je ipak on najviše zaslužan. Ivana je tako naučila da vari, kao u Flashdance, pored toga radi i kao menadžer u jednoj igraonici, jer je sama otkrila ono što je u svakom biznisu važno, a to je uspešan čovek mora da razume ceo procesa od početka do kraja. Međutim, razlog zašto su Vera i Ivana uspešne je zato što su tako odlučile. Same su se izborile za posao od koga mogu da žive, ali i koji vole. I ne samo to, u tome su najbolje. Mislim da slobodno mogu da parafraziram Bila Gejtsa koji je rekao da ako niste rođeni bogati niste krvi, ali ste krivi jedino ako to ne promenite. Zbog toga Verin i Ivanin uspeh doživljavam kao ostvarenje američkog sna na našim prostorima, iako smo mi daleko od jednakosti i istih uslova za sve.

After the story of Bojan I didn’t feel so good, so I wanted to write something nice, and I think that nothing is better than success. For the first time, I am writing about two people at the same time, which you can experience as two portraits in one. I think that is important to get personality of the subject, and if you show relationship towards another person, it is even better. I’ve just seen Vera and Ivana like that, as two different persons from which each has evolved, but with much that connects them. They are probably the mother and daughter because of that, which you will conclude by watching the photo. In a short time I’ve heard and learned a lot from them. Unlike me, who first need to learn something in order to do, they have learned and created through work and become masters. They make real playrooms together with Master Bob, about whom I hope will have the opportunity to write few lines, since after all, he is most deserving. In addition, Ivana learned to weld and she also works as a manager in a playroom, because she has revealed what is important in every business, that a successful man must understand the entire process from start to end of process. However, the reason why Vera and Ivana are successful is because they decided so. They have chosen for themselves the job from whom they can live, but which they love. And not only that, they are the best. I think I can freely paraphrase Bill Gates who said that if you are not born rich you are not guilty, but you are if you do not change it. That is why Vera’s and Ivana’s success I see as a realization of the American dream in our region, although we are far from equality and the same conditions for all.


One Response

  1. Vera says:

    Hvala Vam na ovako lepom napisanom tekstu!Volja i istrajnost u zivotu se isplati a Vasem oku to nije promaklo!Divni ste !
    Vera i Ivana

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