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Vera Blaženčić Mladenović (1962 – ) Skillful sailor

8 Apr , 2020  

Ista generacija,a slučajno razdvojeni administrativnom odlukom, kao i danas u izolaciji.  Kada je ona upisala Medicinski fakultet, mene su poslali u vojsku. I ko zna možda se ne bi ni sreli, da nije bilo zajedničkog interesovanja za „antropometriju“. A onda, može se reći, desetak godina zajedničkog rada, mada povremeno, ali sa dobrim rezultatima. Suočavali smo se sa raznim problemima, i rešili ih, čak i ovaj poslednji u vreme izolacije. Zašto je to važno? Pa zato što sa nekim ljudima ne morate mnogo da provedete vremena da bi znali da se razumete. U životu je češće drugačije. Od našeg upisa na medicinu se mnogo toga promenilo. Vera se pored dijetetike bavi naučnim istraživanjem, a mene trenutno najviše zaokuplja klinička farmakologija. I eto opet smo zajedno blizu da razumemo novu oblast. Činjenica je da se bez čitanja i usavršavanja, danas u medicini, ne može da se donese ni pristojan zaključak, a koji nam je ovih dana potreban. Dobro je da razumemo svu kompleksnost i da znamo koliko znamo. Dovoljno da ne potcenimo problem i da znamo da ćemo ga rešiti. Kako se kaže na Jadranu „Mirno more, ne stvara dobre mornare.“


We are the same generation, accidentally separated by administrative decision, as in isolation today. When she enrolled in the School of Medicine, I was sent to the military. And who knows, we might not even have met if there had been no common interest in “body composition.” And then, ten years of working together,  maybe occasionally, but with good results. We have faced various problems and solved them, even the last one in isolation. Why is it important? Because you don’t have to spend a lot of time with some people to understand each other. More often in life is the opposite of this. Much has changed since enrollment in medicine. In addition to dietetics, Vera is involved in scientific research, and at the moment, I am most interested in clinical pharmacology. And here we are again close to understand the new realm. The fact is that without reading and refining, today in medicine, no decent conclusion can be drawn, and we need one these days. It is good for us to understand all the complexities and to know how much we know. Enough not to underestimate the problem and to be sure that we will solve it. As on the Adriatic coast, say: ” Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”

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