1000 portraits

Trickl / Tricycle (maj 2020)

16 May , 2020  

Mislim da je ovo 14 bicikl/trotinetkoji sam kupio, ali ne i poslednji, jer mi na moru nedostaju bar dva. Kako je Anštajn rekao život je kao vožnja bicikla, da bi održao ravnotežu moraš da se krećeš. A nama tek sada prestoji dosta kretanja. Moraćemo u hodu da učimo i razumemo jedni druge. Očigledno mi više decu, ali to i jeste lepota odrastanja. Baš to nemanje vremena čini stvari uzbudljivijim. Mislim nije teško držati ravnotežu na četiri točka, ali kada ostaneš na dva, postoje malo komplikovanije. Sad mi se čini lakše imamo treći. Nije baš u pitanju klasični trickl, jer svaki točak je za sebe. A to znači prilagođavanje i novo učenje da bi se postigla ravnoteža. Taman kada pomislite da ste naučili da vozite, idete skoro iz početka. I to je dobro jer nemate vremena da mislite na druge stvari. Čitav novi život se otvara ritmom okretanja pedala. Potrebno je malo koncentracije, ali zato je dobro da bude tu neko ko će da pridrži sedlo pri gubitku ravnoteže. I nema mnogo stvari koje se mogu uporediti sa trčanjem za biciklom dok se ne uspostavi ravnoteža. Većina od nas nikad ne iskoristi sve zupčanike, a život prođe. Zato, u stvari za mene nema veće sreće od kupovine bickala. Verujem da ću ih kupiti još puno.

I think this is the 14 bike/scooter I bought, but not the last one, because I miss at least two at the sea house. As Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. We have a lot of drive ahead of us now and have to learn and understand each other on the go. Obviously, we have to understand more children, but that is the beauty of growing up. It is this lack of time that makes things more exciting. I don’t think it’s hard to keep your balance on four wheels, but when you stay on two, there are a little more complicated. Now it seems easier to me we got a third. It’s not exactly a classic tricycle, because each wheel is for itself. And that means adapting and learning again to achieve balance. When you think you’ve learned to drive, you go almost from scratch. And that’s good because you don’t have time to think about other things. A whole new life opens in the rhythm of turning the pedals. It takes a little concentration, but that’s why it’s good to have someone there to hold the saddle when you lose your balance. And there aren’t many things that can be compared to running a bike until the balance is established. Most of us never use all the gears and life passes. So, there is no greater happiness for me than buying a bicycle. I believe I will buy many more.

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