1000 portraits

Stenli Kjubrik (1928) – Anonimne osobe na fotografijama / Anonymous people in photos

5 Sep , 2017  

Pre nego što je Stenli Kujbrik režirao neke od najboljih filmova ikada napravljenih kao što je “2001: odiseja u svemiru” ili “isijavanje”, bio je skroman tinejdžer u Njujorku koji traži posao.

Ali čak i tada, kada je kao 17-godišnjak dobio fotoaparat, nije mogao  da sakrije svoj talenat. Tako počinje članak na sajtu Bored Panda koji prikazuje seriju  ranih Kjubrikovih fotografija, a završava njegovim savetom: “Zamislite ideje za priče, izađite i slikajte, a zatim ih pošaljite u časopise. Ja sam imao sreće, shvatio sam to kad sam bio mlad.”

Međutim, meni se čini da anonimnim fotografijama nedostaju detalji. Naime, uvek me je interesovalo ko je na slici, bez obzira da li je srednjevekovni portret ili selfi iz 21 veka. Razumem da je iza svake slike priča, ali  i nekoliko podataka o osobi je priča. Ovako imamo pola priče koja bi verovatno bila neuporedivo bolja kada bi znali nešto o osobi sa slike. To je pogotovo bilo lako Kjubriku koji je dosta slika napravio njemu poznatih ljudi. Recimo izbrana Kjubrikova fotografija, upravo žudi za objašnjenjem, gde je snimljena, o kome se radi i ko je elegantni čovek na slici sa hodačima po žici. Moj projekat 1000 portreta upravo počiva na tome, interakciji slike i priče, a mali osvrt na Kjubrika mi je lično zadovoljstvo.

Before Stanley Kubrick directed some of the best films ever made, like “2001: Space Odyssey” or “The Shining,” he was a simple teenager in New York looking for a job. But even then, when the 17-year-old got his hands on a photo camera, he couldn’t hide the talent within. So begins the article on the Bored Panda website that shows a series of early Kubrick photos, and ends with his advice: “Think up ideas for stories, go out and shoot them, and then send them into the magazines. I was lucky; I figured that out when I was young.”

However, it seems to me that anonymous photographs lack details. Namely, it always intriguing me who is on the picture, whether it was a medieval portrait or selfie from the 21st century. I understand that there is a story behind each picture, but also a few details about a person is a story. Thus we have half a story that would probably be incomparably better if we knew something about a person from the picture. This would have been especially easy for a Kubrick who made a lot of pictures by people well known to him. For example, the chosen Kubrick’s photo is just curious for the explanation, where it’s taken, and who is the elegant man in the picture with the walkers on the wire. My 1000 portrait project is based on that, the interaction of the image and the story, and a small review of Kubrick is my personal satisfaction.

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