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Sanjeeb Bhandari (1988) & Bikash Basyal (1989) – My fellows are coming, USA be prepared!

28 Mar , 2018  

Retko pišem o dve osobe istovremeno.Ali, ovo je jedinstvena prilika jer su dva nepalska doktora dokazali svoju superiornost dobijanjem specijalizacije u SAD. Kada sam ih prvi put sreo tokom zdravstvene misije u Nepalu, odmah sam shvatio da su izuzetni. Potom sam imao priliku da slušam njihova predavanja, da vidim njihov fakultet i bolnicu gde su završili medicinu i ostao sam potpuno zapanjen. Sećao sam se kada sam se vratio u Beograd, da sam rekao prilikom jednog predavanja da kada bih imamo takve mlade doktora kao što su Bikaš i Sandžeb, da bih bio ponosan. Sada smo se posle nekoliko godina sreli i rekli su mi da će nastaviti školovanje u SAD. Bio sam oduševljen, kao da su moja deca. Zapravo, oni su vršnjaci moje ćerke. Verovatno da većina ljudi koja će pročitati ovo ne zna koliko je teško položiti sve ispite i dobiti specijalizaciju u SAD. Ako dodam da su oni iz Nepala, sve je još komplikovanije. Ali uspeli su i mogu reći – Ameriko budi spremna!. Ne samo da dolaze dva doktora, dva mlada naučnika i verovatno sjajni profesor u budućnosti, već ono što je najvažnije, dva dobra čoveka.

In general, I am not writing about two persons in the same time. But, this is unique situation when two Nepali doctors have proved their excellency by getting residentship in USA. When I met them first time during health mission in Nepal I have immediately realized they are extraordinary. Then I have chance to listen their lectures, to see their faculty and hospital where they finished medicine and I was totally astonished. I remembered when I am returned to Belgrade that I said during one lecture if we have such young doctor like Bikash and Sanjeeb, I would be proud. Now, after several years we met and they told me they are going to specialization to USA. I was so delighted, like they are my kids. Actually, they are the age of my daughter. Probably majority of the people who would read this do not know how difficult is to pass all exams and get specialization in the States. If I add to that they are form Nepal everything is even more complicated. But they managed, and I could say – USA be prepared! Not only that two doctors are coming, two young scientists and probably brilliant professors in the future, but what is the most important two good men.


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