1000 portraits

Saliba Al Sunna (1974) Sale

17 Jun , 2021  

Saleta sam doživljavao kao izuzetnog konobara bez koga restoran Diwali verovatno ne bio ono što jeste, jer ko bi bolje od Saleta objasnio i preporučio indijska jela. Meni je u stvari restoran „legao“ jer me podseća na Katmandu i njihove zgrade i dvorišta od cigle u Dvarika stilu, skromno nameštene, gde se dobro jede. A sve je postalo još mnogo intrigantnije kada sam saznao da je Sale Kopt i da mu je puno ime Saliba Al Suna. Prosto neverovatno pripadnik velikog naroda koji nema svoju zemlju, a kojih ima bar tri puta više nego nas u Srbiji i koji odlaskom u pravoslavnu crkvu svake nedelje rizikuju život od kada postoje. Kopti su pravoslavci koji žive u nekoliko zemalja. Najviše ih ima u Egiptu, gde sam imao prilike da uh upoznam, idem na liturgiju i vidim krhku ravnotežu koju imaju sa većinskim muslimanskim stanovništvom. Opet Beograd ispada neki tajni centar sveta, jer kako drugačije sagledati odličan restoran u kome je šef Indijac, a kelner Kopt. Naravno Sale osim što je profesionalac i zna svoj posao nije siguran da to sve ne bih promenio. Kako kaže da ima drugi život sigurno bi ga promenio. Ovako kao dete iz mešovitog braka Srpkinje sa Kosova i inženjera iz Jordana, postigao je  dosta, ali verovatno bi mogao mnogo više da su prilike bile malo drugačije.

I encountered Sale as an exceptional waiter without the Diwali restaurant would probably not be the same because who better than Sale to explain and recommend Indian dishes. In fact, the restaurant “lay down” for me because it reminds me of Kathmandu and their buildings and courtyards made of bricks in Dwarika style, modestly furnished, where you can eat well. And everything became even more intriguing when I found out that Sale is Copt and that his full name is Saliba Al Sunna. Ia. It is simply unbelievable that he is a member of a great nation that does not have its own country, and that there are at least three times more than us in Serbia, and that by going to the Orthodox Church every week, they risk their lives since they existed. Copts are Orthodox who live in several countries. Most of them are in Egypt, where I had the opportunity to meet, go to the liturgy and see the fragile balance with the majority Muslim population. Again, Belgrade turns out to be

a secret centre of the world because how else to look at a great restaurant with an Indian chef and a Copt as a waiter. Of course, Sale, except that he is a professional and knows his job, is unsure that he would not change. As he says, having another life would surely he would change it. As a child from the mixed marriage of a Serbian woman from Kosovo and an engineer from Jordan, he achieved a lot, but he could probably have done much more if the circumstances had been slightly different.

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