1000 portraits

Roberto Cavallo (1958) Five in one

28 Jan , 2022  

This was the photo from the morning when Roberto is relaxed. But, a night before, he was exhausted after the whole day races, flower and medal ceremony, and at the end, one sanction decision. Since I didn’t find the ISMF “book of impressions,” I decided to put him on my blog of 1000 portraits. It is just an excellent opportunity to write how Roberto is a remarkable person like we say in Serbia, “five in one.”

  1. First,  he is the sports director which is his role, but he really presents the International federation in the best possible way. I met so many sports directors who are perfectly doing their job but not at the same time represent the sport for which they are working in the right way.
  2. Second, he is responsible for every step of everything that is happening. Yesterday, they have sanctions against the athlete, and he participates in that. That is just an excellent example of how important is his role. Maybe someone could say it is a conflict of interest, but obviously, his authority is always needed.
  3. Third, he is chief of protocol. You should have seen how skilfully he communicates with the official speaker during the flower ceremony.
  4. Forth, he was the senior representative of ISMF during the media ceremony. I watched him standing during the long ceremony and asked myself when Roberto would be tired.
  5. Fifth, the most visible person, recognized by athletes as the ISMF representative. His smooth communication in several languages with athletes is missing in many sports, but clearly not in ski mountaineering.

By joking, we asked for his salary, but we didn’t get an answer. Obviously, whatever it is could be higher 🙂

Ovo je fotografija od jutros kada se Roberto opustio. Ali, sinoć je bio iscrpljen posle celodnevnih trka, dodele medalja i na kraju izricanja jedne sankcije. Pošto nisam našao ISMF „knjigu utisaka“, odlučio sam da ga stavim na svoj blog sa 1000 portreta. To je ujedno odlična prilika da napišem kako je Roberto izuzetna ličnost kako mi u Srbiji kažemo „pet u jedan“.

  1. Prvo, on je sportski direktor, što je njegova funkcija, ali on zaista predstavlja Međunarodnu federaciju na najbolji mogući način. Upoznao sam toliko sportskih direktora koji savršeno rade svoj posao, ali ne predstavljaju sport za koji rade na pravi način.
  2. Drugo, Roberto je odgovoran za sve što se dešava. Juče su morali da izreknu sankciju protiv sportiste i on je u tome učestvovao. Odličan primer koliko je njegova uloga važna. Možda bi neko rekao da je to sukob interesa, ali očigledno je da je uvek potreban njegov autoritet.
  3. Treće, on je šef protokola. Trebalo je da vidite kako vešto komunicira sa zvaničnim spikerom tokom ceremonije dodele medalja.
  4. Četvrto, bio je zvanični predstavnik ISMF-a tokom ceremonije dodele medalja. Gledao sam ga kako stoji tokom duge ceremonije i pitao se kada će se umoriti.
  5. Peta, on je ličnost koju sportisti prepoznaju kao predstavnika ISMF-a. Njegova jednostavna komunikacija na nekoliko jezika sa sportistima nedostaje u mnogim sportovima, ali očigledno ne u turno skijanju.

U šali smo pitali kolika mu je platu, ali nismo dobili odgovor. Očigledno, kolika god da je, moglo bi da bude veća 🙂

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