1000 portraits

Pavel Malovic (1952) My senior

16 Jun , 2019  

Prosto je neverovatno da portret Pavela,  mog dragog seniora, sa kojim delim toliko stvari nije pre osvanuo na mom blogu 1000 portreta. Sve jedno je da li je u pitanju kreativnost u poznim godinama, fizička aktivnost, rokenrol ili aging, naša razmišljanja su slična. O nekim stvarima je senior napisao knjigu, o nekim ja, a podjednako uživamo u stvaralaštvu Koena, Kleptona, Makartnija, a od večeras, po seniorovom savetu i rođendanskom koncertu Džoni Mičel. Pavel je kao i ja doktor sportske medicine, doping kontrolor UEFA, ali pre svega renesansni tip, kakvih više nema. Mislim da je to čak teško objasniti novoj generaciji, jer tu širinu u shvatanjima i obrazovanju Internet na neki način poništava. Prosto više nije neophodno da istražuješ, čitaš i pokušaš da razumeš stvari jer ti Google brzo da odgovor, ali i isto toliko brzo zaboraviš. Ovo ispada kao neko tipično razmišljanje starije generacije, pa možda i jeste, jer ako bih birao između instant informacija i slojevitog učenja o svemu oko nas, onda bih sigurno opet voleo da moram da se pomučim da proniknem u stvari. Kako je govorio još jedan iz plejade spomenutih Džek Keruak – „Budi u ljubavi sa svakim minutom svog života.“

It’s unbelievable that the portrait of Pavel, my dear seniors, with whom I share so many things, did not come earlier on my blog 1000 portraits. It doesn’t matter is it about creativity in late years, physical activity, rock and roll or aging, our thoughts are similar. About some things, the senior wrote a book, about some I did, and we equally enjoy the creativity of Cohen, Clapton, and McCartney, and tonight, by the senior’s advice the birthday concert of Johnny Michel. Pavel is like me a doctor of sports medicine, a doping control officer of UEFA, but above all a Renaissance type, which it doesn’t longer exist. I think it’s even hard to explain to the new generation because this range in the perceptions and education  by the Internet is in some way annulled. It’s simply no longer necessary to research, read, and try to understand things because Google quickly responds to you, but it also quickly makes you forget about it. This could be typical thinking of the older generation, and maybe it is, because if I were to choose between instant information and layered learning about everything around us, then I would certainly like again to struggle to find out facts around me. As it is said by the one from the Pleiad of the above-mentioned, Jack Kerouac, – “Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.”

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