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Patricia Gvardiola Rico (1987 – ) Bolja od bilo kog muškarca / Better then any men

3 Oct , 2019  

Naslov u suštini sve kaže,jer Patricija može sve da reši uz  osmeh i bez gunđanja, bolje od bilo kog muškarca. Naravno, važan je kontekst u kome smo se sreli. Ona je instruktor ronjenja i do sada nakon 500 i više ronjenja nisam sreo sličnog vođu ronjenja. Bitno je da jedina žena na brodu sa 14 muškaraca, koji su njoj u stvari podređeni, mada to ne može lako da se vidi, ako ne znate. Jednostavno Patricija radi sve, i brine o njima podjednako, kao i nama, kada je užina, lično im nosi grickalice, pošto vidi da smo mi OK, kada je gužva pere sudove, kada je kvar u pitanju tu je, a navigacija joj je očigledno jača strana, jer nas je sve ove dane nepogrešivo vodila tamo gde je želela, pa smo danas videli stotine čekićara, odnosno „hammerhead sharks“. Ona je dala posebnu notu ovom ronjenju i prosto je neverovatno kako su je našli. Da li vlasnici broda uopšte znaju koliko im Patricija znači? Prava žena, profesionalac, koja ne ispušta ništa iz svojih ruku i prosto poželiš sa njom da radiš.

The title says it all because Patricia can handle everything with a smile and without complaining, better than any man. Of course, the context in which we met is important. She is a Diving Instructor, and so far, after 500 or more dives, I have not met a similar dive leader. She is the only woman on board with 14 men, who subordinate to her, though it cannot be easily seen if you do not know. Simply Patricia does everything, and cares for them equally, just like for us. When she is having a snack, personally takes them bites, since she sees that we are OK. When is the crowd she is washing dishes. When there is a malfunction, she is there. Navigation is her strong side because all these days, she led us unmistakably where she wanted. Today we saw hundreds of hammerhead sharks. She gave a special note to this dive, and it’s just amazing how they found her. Do boat owners even know how much Patricia means to them? A real professional, who doesn’t let anything out of her hands.  Simple, you wish to work with her.

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