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Novica Nikić (1956) – Majstor za kanapee / Chief for canapés

11 Dec , 2017  

Iznenadni susret u subotu ujutro u Palmotićevoj ulici.Drago lice Novice i Čegevara na kapi, sličan kao i na mojoj. Ne verujem da neko tako rano treba Novicine usluge. Kaže da neki psiholozi imaju trening. Ispada da Novica poznaje sve stručnjake koji nešto rade u Beogradu, a da sve stručnjake povezuju njegovi kanapei. Prvi put sam ih probao nakon pozorišnih premijera. Sada nam je kultura osiromašila, pa kanapea više nema, ali ih zato ljudi naručuju da počaste svoje goste. Podjednako su dobri i posni i mrsni, pa oni koji ih prvi put vide ne znaju odakle da počnu. Iako Novica ne zna sve svoje mušterije, čini mi se da poznaje više kardiologa i od mene, ali to ne znači i da je rešio svoje probleme. Nema premijera, ali nema ni doktora za sve njegove tegobe. Jedino su isti kanapei, nedovoljno za stari sjaj jedne zemlje, ali dovoljno zadovoljstvo za sve preostale stanovnike.  

A sudden meeting on Saturday morning in Palmotićeva street. The dear face of Novice and Che Guevara on a cap, similar to mine. I didn’t think that someone needs Novice’s services so early. He said some psychologists have training. It turns out that Novica knows all the experts who are doing something in Belgrade, and that all experts are connected by his canapés. The first time I tried them after the theatre premiere. Now culture has become impoverished, so there are no more canapés, but people are ordering them to host their guests. They are equally good, fat or fast, so those who see them for the first time do not know where to start. Although Novica does not know all its customers, it seems to me that he knows more of the cardiologist than me, but that does not mean that he has solved his problems. There is no theatre premiere, but there is no doctor for all his troubles. They are only the same canapés, insufficient for the old glory of one country, but sufficient for satisfaction of the rest of the folks.


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