1000 portraits

Nina Dikić Bermoser (1988) – Umetnost življenja / Art of Life

27 Jul , 2017  

Ovo je samo jedan od mnogih portreta moje ćerke. Sinoć kada se vratila sa posla, izgledala je umorno, toliko da se spustila na pod od kuhinje i gledala ćerke koje su se igrale razbacujući kuhinjske stvari po podu. Svetlost koja joj je padala na lice podsetila me je na portret koji smo imali na zidu mnogo godina. Bila je to Van Gogova umorna ženi rudara, koja je pognutom glavom iskazivala sav očaj teškog života. Iako se život većine ljudi ne može uporediti sa životom rudara, jedina razlika je ta što Nina ništa ne smatra teškim. Njen odnos prema porodici i poslu me je najviše iznenadio. Čini mi se da je ona najbolja mama koju sam video, jer strpljenje i briga koju pokazuje prema deci je beskrajna. Izgleda da ne prepoznajem svoje rođeno dete. Pored toga započela je vođenje igraonice za decu. Način na koji je napravila i toplina koju je postigla, odmah je privukla sve od posetilaca preko novinara do blogera. Sve je zamišljeno tako da se svako oseća kao u velikoj dnevnoj sobi. Međutim , verovatno sve to ne bi bilo ni upola tako da sa druge strane šanka ne stoji moja divna ćerka koja sa toliko strpljenja radi i komunicira šta bečkim zahtevnim majkama i decom. Nije ni čudo što je jedan novinar napisao da je Lauserpause i za starije Lauser, što znači stariju nestašnu decu. U stvari kad bole razmislim svega ovoga ne bi ni bilo da Nina ne voli svoju porodicu i ljude. Iako Van Gog nije bio preterano rečit u pismima svom bratu je rekao: Osećam da nema ničeg iskrenijeg u umetnosti nego da volim ljude. Upravo tako bez ljubavi ništa ne postoji.

This is just one of many of my daughter’s portraits. Last night, when she returned from work, she looked tired and she had descended to the floor of the kitchen and watched her daughters who were playing kitchen things on the floor. The light that fell on her face reminded me of the Portrait that we had on the wall for many years. It was Van Gogh’s tired wife of the miner, who has showed with her bent head all the despair of a tough life. Although life of most people cannot be compared to the life of miners, the only difference is that Nina does not consider anything difficult. Her bond with family and business surprised me most. It seems to me that she is the best mom I’ve seen, because the patience and care she shows to her children is infinite. Apparently I do not recognize my own baby. In addition, she started to manage the Children’s Playroom. The way in which it was made and the warm she has achieved, instantly attracted all from visitors and the journalists to the bloggers. Everything is imagined so that everyone feels like in a large living room. However, probably not all would be such successful, so on the other side of the Bar is not my beautiful daughter who works with so much patience and communicates with Vienna’s demanding mothers and children. No wonder that a journalist wrote that Lauserpause is also for older Lauser, which means older restless children. In fact, when I think about all this, it would not be that Nina does not love her family and people. Although Van Gogh was not overly wordy in his letters to his brother, he said: I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. Exactly like that, without love there is nothing.


One Response

  1. Sanja says:

    Pouzdano znam da je Nina Dikic Bermoser, jos od njenih malih nogu, imala od koga da nauci svu magiju i umetnost zivljenja

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