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Nebojša Ivković (1951) – tihi sportski diplomata / a quiet sports diplomat

20 Sep , 2018  

Potpisivanje ugovora Antidoping agencije Republike Srbije i UEFA opet nas je dovelo u kontakt sa Nebojšom. Može se reći da je on uvek tu kada je postoji nešto važno u fudbalu i sportu. Vrlo brzo smo shvatili da na njega uvek možemo da se oslonimo, pa je tako postao predsednik Antidoping odbora. I tako sam samo potvrdio ono što mislim, a što izgleda postoji i svakom sistemu, a to je da je potreban minimalno jedan čovek koji zna svoj posao da bi sistem opstao. Sve jedno je da li je u pitanju bolnica ili sportski savez, neko mora da zna kako sve to funkcioniše. Međutim, ono što od Nebojše može da se nauči je miran način na koji sve to obavlja. Mada  ne verujem da sve to prolazi bez i malo nervoze, to se jednostavno ne vidi. Verovatno ga je zato i UEFA I FIFA izabrala kao delegata na utakmicama. Ali ne samo zbog toga već i zbog diplomatskog rešavanja svakog problema. Pravila postoje da bi se poštovala, valjda je to i smisao UEFA-nog Respect, ali Nebojša se uvek potrudi da to svima zainteresovanima objasni, pogotovo ako greše. Ako se svemu doda poznavanje politike, kulturoloških razlika, pa i istorije, onda dolazimo do onoga što i jeste najvažnije u sportu, sačuvati njegov integritet i odvojiti ga od ostalih negativnih pojava u društvu. Samo majstor uspeva da u tome opstane svojom tihom diplomatijom.

Signing the contract between the Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia and UEFA has brought us again into contact with Nebojsa. It seems that he is always present when there is something important in football and sport. We quickly realized that we can always rely on him, and he became the President of the Anti-Doping Committee. That just confirmed what I think, and what seems to exist in every system, that is necessary minimum of one person who knows his job in order that the system survive. Regardless is it a hospital or a sports federation, somebody has to know how it all works. However, what we can learn from Nebojsa is the quiet way in which all this is done. Although I do not believe that all this goes without a little stress, it’s simply not visible. Probably, therefore, UEFA and FIFA chose him as a delegate in football. But not only because of that, but also because of the diplomatic approach to every problem. The rules are there to be respected, it must be the meaning of UEFA’s Respect, but Nebojsa always tries to explain it to all concerned, especially if they are wrong. If knowledge of politics, cultural differences, and even history is added to everything, then we come to the most important thing in sport, keeping its integrity and separate it from other negative trends in society. Only the master succeed in surviving this with his quiet diplomacy.

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