1000 portraits

Miloš Nedeljković (1993) – Kao na filmu / Like on movie

14 Jan , 2018  

Slikao sam Miloša pored odlazak u London City,tačnije poslovno srce Londona gde je smeštena kompanija u kojoj će da radi. Kad se setim samo kako je došlo do toga da Miloš dobije posao u jednoj od najboljih svetskih kompanija za kompjuterske igre pomislim na američki film. Dečko kome je mama uzimala kompjuter i isključivala ruter, jednog dana je dobio poziv od direktora kompanije da postane njihov saradnik. Onda je on obišao mnogo svetskih gradova kao njihov predstavnik i eto konačno će se skrasiti u Lonodnu. Najviše me je impresionirao njegov boravak u Sijetlu, crveni tepih, krcata NBA arena, gužva kakva se ne viđa ni na košarci.  I povrh svega luksuzni hotel. Mislim da je neke slike namenio ocu, da pokaže koliko je uspeo. Tada sam napisao da ne samo da je bolji od oca, već  da je došao do posla i para na mnogo časniji i pošteniji način. Pri tom ništa loše nisam mislio o njegovom ocu, već o nama lekarima koji moramo da raznim udovoljimo da bi imali istu sobu u Sijetlu. Na to je njegova mama dodala da je od 2007. godina o tome sanjao i počeo da skuplja pare da jednog dana ode. A danas to sve izgleda kao u snu. Iako su se u početku svi pitali šta on to radi, mene danas najviše interesuje kako je to uspeo.

I photographed Milos before  departure to London City, the business heart of London where the company in which he will work is located. When I recall just how Milos got the job in one of the world’s best computer games companies, I think of an American movie. The boy whose mom took the computer and switched off the router, one day received a call from the company’s director to become their associate. Then he visited many world cities as their representative and he will finally settle down in London. His stay in Seattle impressed me the most, the red carpet, full NBA arena, the crowd it is not even seen on basketball. And on top of everything a luxury hotel. I think he sent some pictures for his father to show how much he succeeded. Then I wrote that not only he is better than father, but that he came to job and money in a much more honest way. In writing so, I did not mean anything bad about his father, but about the doctors we have to please somebody in order to have the same room in Seattle. His mother added that since 2007 he dreamed about it and began to spare money to leave one day. And today it all looks like a dream. Although everyone at the beginning was wondering what he was doing, today I was most interested in how he did it.


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