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Miloš Matković (2002) – Džonatan Livingston Galeb iz Dobrote / Jonathan Livingston Seagull from Dobrota

11 Aug , 2017  

Drugu nedelju avgusta 2017. Miloš i ja smo proveli kao momci sticajem okolnosti. On je želeo da dođe u Beograd i odgleda utakmice brata na Svetskom prvenstvu u vaterpolu za juniore. Avio karta je bilo jedino rešenje, jer je četrnaestogodišnjak trebalo da putuje sam. Malo logistike sa prijateljima iz Montenegro airlines-a i prelazak granice je bio obezbeđen, kao i mesto rezervisano za posadu u prepunom avionu. Na pitanje zašto to radim, odgovor je jednostavan, zato što bih da sam na Miloševom mestu, voleo bih da to za mene neko uradi. 

Miloša inače zovem najpoznatiji Matković, verovatno zato što je najmlađi, ali i zato što je samouveren, iako se objektivno ne trudi preterano. Osmi razred je završio sa vrlo dobrim uspehom, mada je on toliko inteligentan da sa njim može da se razgovara o svemu. Možda zbog toga i lakonski pravda svoj uspeh činjenicom da je i Anštajn imao jedan iz fizike, a da je Bata Živojinović jedna završio srednju školu. Ovo sa Batom ispada važno jer želi da upiše glumu, a on mu je jedan od omiljenih glumaca. Na moju opasku da su danas druga vremena i da mora više da se radi pogotovo ako želiš da upišeš dramsku akademiju, Miloš odgovora da on radi i da je pročitao celu lektiru. Nabraja nekoliko knjiga i ja ne verujem da je to zaista lektira za osmi razred u Crnoj Gori: Mali Princ, Seobe, Dnevnik Ane Frank, Nečista krv i Džonatan Livingston galeb. Ova poslednja budi sećanje na bajku o galebu koji prkosi zakonima svoga jata u želji da nauči da leti. Od Miloša očekujem upravo to, da ako zaista bude želeo da se izdigne iznad svoje sredine i pronađe sebe, preskoči sve prepreke  u svojoj sredini i izbori se za svoju slobodu. Do tada može da uživa u nedelju dana slobode koju je dobio na poklon i počne da se priprema za trku za znanjem kao Džonatan Livingston galeb.



The second week of August 2017, Milos and I spent as the boys by chance. He wanted to come to Belgrade and watch his brother’s matches at the FINA Waterpolo World Junior Championship. The airline card was the only solution because the fourteen year old boy was not supposed to travel alone. A little logistics with friends from Montenegro Airlines and the border crossing was secured, as well as a place reserved for a crew in a crowded plane. When I have been asked why I do this, the answer was simple, because if I were Milos, I would like somebody to do it for me.

I call Milos, the most famous Matkovic, probably because he is the youngest, but also because he is self-confident, although he does not objectively try hard. He finished his eighth grade with very good success, although he is so intelligent that you could talk about everything with him. Perhaps for this reason he Laconic justifies his grade at the scholl by fact the fact that Anstein had one in physics, and that Bata Zivojinovic had hardly graduated the high school. This with Bata is important because he wants to become an actor, and Bata is one of his favorites. To my remark that today is another time and that much more must should be done especially if he wants to enroll in a drama academy, Milos answers that he is working and that he has read the entire school lecture. He picked up a few books and I do not believe that it is really an eighth grade lecture in Montenegro: The Little Prince, Migrations, The Diary of Anna Frank, Impure Blood, and Jonathan Livingston the Seagull. This latter one awakens memories of a fairytales tale about seagull who defies the laws of their flock in the desire to learn to fly. From Milos I expect precisely the same if he really wants to rise above his environment and find himself, he should skip all the obstacles and fight for his freedom. Until then he can enjoy the week of freedom he has got as a gift and begins to prepare for a race for knowledge like Jonathan Livingston seagull.


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