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Miloš Cvjetićanin (1978) – Naš genijalac / Our genius

13 May , 2018  

Ne stižem da napišem priču o svima koji zaslužuju.Razlog zašto je Miloš došao na red nije samo njegov 40 rođendan, ni njegov nemerljiv doprinos u predstavljanju svih nas u virtualnom svetu, već pre svega  korišćenje znanja u svemu što radi. Pri tom ne mislim samo na osnovno znanje, već gotovo neverovatno poznavanje različitih retkih oblasti, pojmova i događaja. Kao i kod svakog genijalca njegova pažnja je rasuta. Iako postoji velika TO DO lista na desktopu kompjutera, mnoge stvari se zaboravljaju, a započinje se rad na novim. Kao u nekoj formuli što je problem opskurniji Miloš postaje zainteresovaniji. Na opomenu reaguje uzrečicom: Majku mu! Naravno on sve to reši na kraju, samo ne uvek uz odobravanje kolega koji se neminovno u pojedinim fazama iznerviraju. Zato možda deluje spasonosno poređenje Miloša sa Gastonom odnosno čuvenim likom iz stripa Gašom. Pa ako je Gaston opevan u stripu i mi moramo da čuvamo Miloša, jer ko bi znao da napravi aplikaciju i za Android i za Ajfon, ili da prelomi knjigu, da napravi bazu podataka, da uradi on line upitnik, da dnevno održava složeni kompjuterski sistem i spreči da Internet ne stane ni za sekund. Kao i u nekim drugim situacijama u životu vodilo nas je treće oko, kada smo odlučili da u sistematizaciju stavimo sistem administratora. Verovatno smo jedina ustanova koja ima tu poziciju. Danas se jedva prisećam kako je do toga došlo. Međutim, ne treba sve objasniti, dovoljno je da smo bili toliko srećni da smo dobili tri u jedan, i hakera, i programera i dobrog druga.

Hardly managing to write a story about everyone who deserves it. The reason why Milos came to order is not only his 40th birthday, nor his huge contribution to representing us all in the virtual world, but above all the use of knowledge in everything he does. By saying that, I’m not just thinking about basic knowledge, but almost incredible knowledge of various rare areas, concepts and events. As with many genius, his attention is scattered. Although there is a large TO DO list on the desktop of the computer, many things are forgotten, and work begins on the new ones. As in a formula if the problem is more obscure, Milos becomes more interested. On our warning he reacts with: Oooh Myyy! Of course, he does it all in the end, but not always with the approval of colleagues who certainly exacerbate in some stages. That’s why comparison between Miloš and Gaston, the famous character from the comic book, is brilliant. So if Gaston is featured and honored in a comic book, we need to keep Milos, since who would be able to make an application for Android and Iphone, or to pre-press a book, create a database, make an on-line questionnaire, maintain a complex computer system daily and prevents the Internet from stopping even a second. As in some other situations in life, we were led by the third eye, when we decided to put the system administrator into systematization of our organization. We are probably the only institution that has this position. Today, I barely remember how it came about. However, we should not explain everything, it is enough that we were so happy that we got three in one, hacker, developer and a good friend.

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