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Milan Zlatić (1976) – Ljubav, vera i znanje / Love, faith and knowledge

11 Mar , 2018  

Kuvari su za mene uvek bili jedinstveni. Volim da ih  poredim sa kardiohirurzima. Skupljao sam jelovnike. Čitao sam kuvare i smatrao ih posebnim knjigama, najvažnijim posle Biblije.  Jedan sam čak i napisao, upustivši se u izučavanje pravilne sportske ishrane. Mislim da sam i naučio solidno i da kuvam. Ali susret sa Milanom je bio nešto neočekivano. Zamislite da sretnete pravog Chef de Cuisine u Hilandaru. Pomislićete monah, ali ne, porodični čovek koji u manastiru radi poslednjih 16 godina. Sin je imao dve godine kada je došao u Hilandar, kasnije se rodile ćerke, jedna ide u četvrti, a jedna u šesti razred. Svi žive u Čačku sa majkom. Viđaju se periodično. Milan radi mesec, dva, pa ode kući. I opstali su, tačnije žive srećnije nego mnogi ljudi, jer veruju u ljubav.  A veruju i u Boga. Milan kaže da je pronašao sebe dolaskom u Hilandar. A manastir je dobio izvanrednog kuvara. I sada, kako to samo Bog namesti, pišemo Hilandarski kuvar mešajući tri sastojka ljubav, veru i znanje.

The Chefs were always unique to me. I like to compare them with cardiac surgeons. I have collected menus. I read the cookbooks and considered them special books, the most important after the Bible. I even wrote one and starting to study proper sports nutrition. I think I learned well to cook. But meeting with Milan was something unexpected. Imagine you meet the real Chef de Cuisine in Hilandar. You will think he is a monk, but not a family man who has been in the monastery for 16 years. His son was two years old when he came to Hilandar. Later his daughters were born, one went to the fourth, and one in the sixth grade. Everyone lives in Čačak with mother. They are seen periodically. Milan works for a month, two, and goes home. And they live on more happily than many people, because they believe in love. And they believe in God. Milan says he found himself arriving in Hilandar. And the monastery got a great Chef. And now, just as God sets it up, we write a Hilandar Cookbook mixing three ingredients of love, faith and knowledge.


One Response

  1. Zoki says:

    Imao sam cast da isprobam njegove kulinarske spisobnosti.
    Vrh kazu kod nas u RS , a uz to ostati uvek nasmijan . Milane divim ti se!

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