1000 portraits

Marc Vouillamoz (1961) Personality / Ličnost

28 Jun , 2022  

In twenty years in anti-doping, I have met many hard-working people who have given a lot in this field, but few of them have remained consistent and at the same professional level. Marc is just like that, from the first meeting, he had an idea of how to make a successful anti-doping organization, and he did it. Since, according to the rules of the sport he represents, it is not allowed to write about the work of the organization itself, I decided to describe everything he did successfully through the portrait of him, and that is always more important to me because the organization consists of people, not the other way around.

Marko could have been successful in any business, but he found himself in anti-doping and medicine and put everything in its place. From the beginning, he had the vision to develop his own organization (others work through agencies), which consists only of doctors of medicine (so rarely in the world) and works according to his own rules (most have only model rules of WADA). How many times have I said in various forums and the Council of Europe that the organization that Marc developed is probably the best in the world. But since they are not direct signatories to the Code, but probably also out of vanity, others have not shown similar enthusiasm that someone is doing so well.

Not only were his results promising, but so was his attitude towards people. As a doping control officer who has worked in many sports organizations, I can freely say that we feel the best in Marc’s system. And it’s not just about the organization but also access to all essential topics. Although not a doctor by education, he successfully dealt with medical problems, including the last one related to sudden cardiac death in sports. As a doctor, I could applaud. However, I am really sorry that the world public is not better informed about everything.

As a professor of sports medicine, a specialist in four medical fields, and the founder of a national anti-doping agency, I learned a lot from Marc. But, objectively, I did not spend much time learning because, obviously, the best learning is through work. So maybe Marc forgot everything he told us, but I will not forget how I felt and what I think about everything he did.

Za dvadeset godina u antidopingu upoznao sam puno vrednih ljudi koji su dali puno u ovoj oblasti, ali malo njih je ostalo dosledno i na istom profesionalnom nivou. Mark je upravo takav, još od prvog susreta imao je ideju kako da napravi uspešnu antidoping organizaciju i to je učinio. Pošto po pravilima sporta koji predstavlja nije dozvoljeno da se piše o radu same organizacije odlučio sam da kroz portret Marka opišem sve što je uspešno uradio, a to je meni uvek važnije, jer organizaciju čine ljudi, a ne obrnuto.

Marko je po svemu mogao da bude uspešan u bilo kom poslu, ali našao se u antidopingu i medicini i jednostavno sve postavio na svoje mesto. Od početka je imao viziju da razvije sopstvenu organizaciju (većina radi preko agencija) , koja se sastoji samo od doktora medicine (tako retko u svetu) i radi po svojim pravilima (većina ima samo prilagođena pravila WADA). Koliko puta sam na raznim forumima i u Savetu Evrope rekao da je organizacija koju je Mark razvio verovatno najbolja na svetu. Ali pošto nisu direktni potpisnici Kodeksa , ali verovatno i zbog sujete, drugi nisu pokazali slično oduševljenje što neko tako dobro radi.

I nisu samo njegovi rezultati bili dobri nego i odnos prema ljudima. Kao doping kontrolor koji je radio i radi u mnogo sportskih organizacija, mogu slobodno da kažem da se u Markovom sistemu osećamo najbolje. I nije u pitanju samo organizacija nego i pristup svim važni temama. Iako po obrazovanju nije lekar uspešno se izborio i sa medicinskim problemima, uključujući i poslednji vezan za iznenadnu srčanu smrt u sportu. Kao lekar mogao sam da aplaudiram. Baš mi je žao što svetska javnost o svemu nije bolje informisana.

Kao profesor sportske medicine, specijalista u četiri medicinske oblasti i osnivač jedna nacionalne Antidoping agencije, od Marka sam mnogo naučio.  Objektivno nisam proveo mnogo vremena u samom učenju, jer je očigledno najbolje učenje kroz rad. Možda je Marko zaboravio sve što nam je govorio, ali ja neću zaboraviti kako sam se osećao i šta mislim o svemu što je uradio.


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