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Jelka Dekleva Đorđević (1933) – pravi karakter / true character

26 Oct , 2017  

Voleo bih da pišem kako tašta u svoji poznim godinama još uvek pregleda. Još više bih voleo da opet pišem o taštinim putovanjima, i da dokazujem da nema razloga da bude nezadovoljna sa samo 6 putovanja godišnje. Čak bi više voleo da je opet slomila ruku, pa da pišem o tome kako se hrabro nosila sa imobilizacijom i bolom. Nažalost pišem o tašti u trenutku kada ima tegobe i kada je zbog ascitesa tek očekuju ozbiljne dijagnostičke procedure. Za one koji ne znaju ascites predstavlja stanje u kome postoji slobodna tečnost u stomaku, najčešće kao posledica nekog ozbiljnog oboljenja. Kao mladi lekar imao sam mnogo pacijenta sa ascitesom, pa je je time za mene iznenađenje bilo veće kada nam je tašta pripremila ručak. Nije baš uobičajeno da neko sa takvim tegobama izađe kupi lososa i pripremi ga sve sa krompir salatom. I što je najvažnije da bude dobro raspoložena tokom ručka, kao da se ništa ne dešava. E to je verovatno pitanje karaktera, jer se moja tašta ne žali, čak ni onda kada bi se drugi verovatno previjali. Naprotiv, uvek je doterana, sa sređenom frizurom , lepom haljinom, spremna, kao da će da izađe negde. Ostavio sam je dok je čitala knjigu o Lenki Dunđerski i čekala TV serije, zavaljena u svoju fotelju. I to je pitanje integriteta, ne nešto što pokazuješ kada ti je dobro, nego kada si jak kada ti je nije baš najbolje.

I would like to write about my mother in law who in her late years are still doing medical examinations. I would prefer to write again about my mother in law journeys, in order  prove her that there is no reason to be dissatisfied with only 6 trips per year. I would even prefer that she broke her arm again, so I can write about how she bravely bore immobilization and pain. Unfortunately, I am writing about my mother in law in the moment when she has symptoms and when serious diagnostic procedures are expected because of ascites. For those who do not know ascites, it is a condition in which there is free fluid in the stomach, most often as a result of a serious illness. As a young doctor I had a lot of patients with ascites, so it was a surprise for me when she prepared lunch for us today. It’s not very common for someone with such difficulties to buy salmon and prepare it with potato salad. And most importantly, to be in good mood during lunch, as if nothing is happening. Well, that’s probably a matter of character, because she does not complain, even if the other one is probably overwhelmed. On the contrary, it is always well dressed and with an excellent hairstyle, ready, like she will go out somewhere.  I left her today reading the book about Lenka Dunđerski and waiting for the TV series, folded into her armchair. And that’s the issue of integrity, not something you show when it’s good, but you’re strong even it’s not your best time.




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