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Fabio Pigozzi (1958) – Kao da je juče bilo / It’s like it was yesterday

25 May , 2019  


Mislim da je Fabio prvi put bio naš gost 2003. godinei da se od tada (skoro) ništa nije promenilo. On je bukvalno isti, ja imam par sedih na zulufima, a sve ostalo je čini mi se isto. U stvari nije, Fabio je sada predsednik Internacionalne federacije sportske medicine (FIMS), što je verovatno trebalo da bude i te 2003. godine, jer bi nam sada mnogo bolje bilo. Definitivno, on je uvek znao šta želi i kako treba da izgleda svetska organizacija sportske medicine. A to je čini se da je najvažnije imati viziju, okupiti ljude i steći njihovo poverenje. Mada bi voleo da su naši kongresi veći, apsolutno razumem da to ne zavisi samo od Fabija, već od svih nas. Jer da zavisi samo od Fabija bilo bi drugačije. Ovako dolazimo do problema koji nemamo samo mi na Balkanu, ne želimo baš da damo sve od sebe, ali bi želeli bi da je sve bolje. Sadašnja postava FIMS-a, čini mi se reprezentativnije nego pre. Fabijo je opet znao kako da pridobije učene saradnike, koji su spremni da prate njegove ideje. Definitvno je došlo do napretka i tako valjda i treba da bude posle toliko godina. U suštini Fabijo je bio uvek sa nama i kada smo slavili deset godina i kada smo obeležili 15 godine postojanja. Nisam siguran da će biti sa nama sledeće godine kada slavimo 25 godina od osnivanja, ali smo sigurni da će nas uvek podržavati kao i mi njega, jer je lojalnost jedna od osnovnih vrednosti koje smo naučili od njega i nismo je stekli za dan, već smo je učili iz godine u godinu.


I think that Fabio was our guest for the first time in 2003. and from that time  (almost) nothing has changed. He is literally the same, I have a couple of grey hairs on arches, and everything else seems to me the same. In fact, Fabio is now president of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), which he probably should have been in 2003, because it would be much better for us now. Definitely, he always knew what he wanted and what the world organization of sports medicine should look like. And this seems to be the most important thing, to have a vision, gather people and gain their trust. Although I would like our congresses to be larger, I absolutely understand that this does not depend only on Fabio but on all of us. Because if it only depends on Fabio and it would have been better. This is how we come to the problems that we have in the Balkans, we do not really want to do our best, but we would want it to get better. The current FIMS setting seems to me more representative than before. Fabio once again knew how to gather academic associates, who are willing to follow his ideas. Definitely, there has been progressing, and so it should be after so many years. Basically, Fabio was always with us when we organized something, celebrated ten years, when we celebrated 15 years of existence… I’m not sure will he be with us next year when we celebrate 25 years since the foundation, but we are sure that he will always support us as we do him, because loyalty is one of the basic values we learned from him and we did not get it for the day, but we learned loyalty year by year.

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