1000 portraits

Emy Aggouraki, (Emy Αγγουράκι, 1945) – Dedicated to her job / Posvećena svom poslu

23 Jul , 2017  

Today, I have visited Knossos, a famous archaeological site on Crete also known as an Europe’s oldest city. The first inhabitants reached to 18,000 people around 2000 BC, which I liked since we could see that period almost as picture in a mirror from our 2017 AC.  But I don’t want to speak about history rather about my guide, very nice old lady who was dedicated to our ad hoc tourist group consisted of Americans, British, Canadian and me, a Serbian one. Since she was speaking quietly, group reacted unusually, refusing to go with her claiming that they do not understand her. She loudly asked on clear English: You don’t hear me! The people stared at her and the tour started. But during the tour they tried to convince her that she is not speaking clearly English repeated some words after her. Soon we all have found out that is not a question of pronunciation but understanding. Simple they have never heard for Minos Kalokairinos, Greek archeologist, but only for Sir Arthur Evans, British archeologist who was digging on Crete more than 35 years. When Emy start to explain Greek Mythology, everything was worse. People from our group didn’t know too much about king Minos (they mixed him with Greek archeologist), Androgeus, Theseus and Ariadne. Of course, they know about Minotaur, but that probably knows every kid who visited Knossos. Since Emy tried to explain not only mythology, but palace complex, water management (the Queen has bathroom with flashing water in her room, which was strange since Europe got first room bathrooms in 18th century), ventilation, pottery etc., group started to drop out. This is what I am calling Anglo-Saxon arrogance, when you don’t feel comfortable you leave. Suddenly I was the only one left. You should have seen the face of Emy. She was really disappointed. But as real professional she has finished the tour with me, like everything was normal.  I wanted to comfort her. I spoke with her a little and realize that she is 72 and that she really like her job. Actually, she was speaking about Minon time like it is happening today. When I said that I felt that she was smiling. Then she said that maybe she should quit and stop with the job. She was happy when I said that she is not old, compering her age with Mick Jagger. If he is still singing she could be guide. Passion is the same. All in all, I didn’t want to write about people I don’t really know. But small portrait of women dedicated to her job is always priceless.  

Danas sam posetio Knosos, čuveno arheološko nalazište na Kritu, poznato i kao najstariji evropski grad. Prvi stanovnici su stigli do 18.000 ljudi oko 2000. godine pre nove ere, što mi se svidelo, jer smo mogli da vidimo taj period skoro kao sliku u ogledalu iz naše 2017 godine. Ali ne želim da govorim o istoriji, već o svom vodiču, vrlo prijatnoj staroj dami koja je bila dodeljena našoj ad hoc turističkoj grupi koja se sastojala od Amerikanaca, Britanaca, Kanade i moje malenkosti iz Srbije. Pošto je govorila tiho, grupa je reagovala neobično, odbijajući da ide s njom tvrdeći da je ne razumeju. Onda je glasno upita na čistom engleskom: Ne čujete me! Ljudi su pogledali u nju i naša tura je počela. Ali tokom ture pokušali su da je uvere da ona ne govori jasno engleski ponavljajući neke reči posle nje. Međutim, ubrzo smo svi shvatili da to nije bilo u pitanju izgovor, već znanje. Jednostavno ljudi iz grupe nikad nisu čuli za grčkog arheologa Minosa Kalokairinosa, ali znali za Artura Evansa, britanskog arheologa koji je iskopavao na Kritu više od 35 godina. Kada je Emi počela da objašnjava grčku mitologiju, sve je još bilo gore. Ljudi nisu znali previše o kralju Minosu (pomešali su ga sa grčkim arheologom), Androgeusu, Tezeju i Arijadni. Naravno, znali su za Minotaura, ali to verovatno zna svako dete koje je posetilo Knosos. Pošto je Emi pokušala da objasni ne samo mitologiju, već i kompleksnost palate, vodovod (kraljica je imala kupatilo sa tekućom vodom u svojoj sobi, što je bilo čudno pošto je Evropa dobila prva kupatila u stanu u 18. veku), ventilaciju, grnčariju itd. grupa je počela da se osipa. To je ono što ja nazivam anglosaksonskom arogancijom, kada se ne osećate prijatno jednostavno nestanete. Odjednom sam bio jedini koji je ostao. Trebali ste videti lice Emi. Bila je zaista razočarana. Ali kao pravi profesionalac ona je završila turu, kao da je sve bilo uobičajeno. Želeo sam da je utešim. Razgovarao sam sa njom i shvatio da ima 72 godine i da joj je stvarno stalo do vodičkog posla. Zapravo, govorila je o Minonovom vremenu kao da se danas dešava. Kada sam rekao da to osećam,  nasmejala se. Zatim je rekla da možda treba da prestane sa poslom vodiča. Bila je srećna kada sam rekla da nije stara, upoređujući njene godine sa Mikom Džegerom. Ako on i dalje peva, i ona može biti vodič. Strast je ista. Sve u svemu, nisam želeo da pišem o ljudima koje dobro ne poznajem. Ali, portret čoveka posvećenog svom poslu, uvek je od neprocenjive vrednosti.



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