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Edvin Moses (Edwin Moses – 1955) – Šampion među nama / Champion among us

4 Oct , 2017  

Among the people who are fighting for clean sports there are not many real champions. On the contrary, some are declaratively supporting antidoping, some look for a part of the fame they did not have as athletes, and some doping abuses for political purposes. Since I decided to write only about positive personality, Edwin Moses is just the greatest among all athletes who have been fighting doping in sport for three decades. Everything connected with him is in decades, because probably no athlete can say that during the decade (1977-1987) he won in 107 consecutive finals. He won gold medals in 400 m hurdles at the Olympics in 1976 and 1984, and it would probably be best in Moscow that the US did not boycott those games.

Although I wrote several articles on the history of doping, I did not know that Moses initiated testing out of the competition in athletics in 1988. For those ignorant, this is still a problem for many countries and sports even though it is mandatory under the World Antidoping Code. I learned from him many things, most of which I cannot tell because they represent personal and original ideas that would significantly contribute to improving the lives of athletes, but would also be criticized by the administration and all those who live well from sport. That’s why it’s logical that Moses leads the world’s best anti-doping agency for almost two decades. Finally, his excellence was recognized by the world’s best athletes and he was elected president of the Laureus World Sports Academy at the famous award ceremony in Monaco in 2000, when Nelson Mandela said, among other things: Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. The heroes standing with me are examples of this power….

Među ljudima koje se bore za čist sport nema mnogo pravih šampiona. Naprotiv, neki se deklarativno izjašnjavaju, neki kroz antidoping traže delić slave koju nisu imali kao sportisti, a neki doping zloupotrebljavaju u političke svrhe. Pošto sam odlučio da pišem samo o pozitivnim ličnostima, Edvin Mozes je upravo najveći među svim sportistima koji se već tri decenije bori protiv dopinga u sportu. Kod njega je inače sve u decenijama, jer verovatno se za ni jednog sportistu ne može reći da je tokom 1 decenije (1977 – 1987) u 107 uzastopnih finala pobeđivao i obarao sam svoje rekorde. On je osvojio zlatne medalje u 400 m preprekama na Olimpijadi 1976. i 1984. godine, a verovatno bi bio najbolji i u Moskvi da SAD nisu bojkotovale te igre.

Iako sam napisao nekoliko tekstova o istoriji dopinga, nisam znao da je Mozes pokrenuo testiranje van takmičenja u atletici još 1988. godine. Za one neupućene to je i danas za mnoge zemlje i sportove problem iako je obavezno po Kodeksu. Saznao sam od njega mnogo stvari, od kojih većinu ne mogu da saopštim, jer predstavljaju lične i originalne ideja koje bi bitno doprinele poboljšanju života sportista, ali bi isto tako bile dočekane kritički od administracije i svih koji od sporta dobro žive. Zbog toga je valjda logično što Mozes predvodi najbolju antidoping agenciju na svetu skoro 2 decenije. Konačno njegova izuzetnost je prepoznata i od strane najboljih sportista sveta pa je izabran za predsednika Svetske sportske akademije Laureus na čuvenoj dodeli nagrada u Monaku 2000 godine, kada je Nelson Mendela između ostalog rekao: Sport može stvoriti nadu, gde je nekad bio samo očaj. Moćniji je od vlada u razbijanju rasnih barijera. Pobeđuje sve vrste diskriminacija. Heroji koji stoje sa mnom su primeri ove moći….


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