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Dzmitry Kryshchanovich (1967) Maljčiki

1 Sep , 2022  

Neke ljude razumem jer sam čitao o njihovim državama,nek jer sam proputovao zemlje u kojima žive, a neke zato što smo delili ili delimo sličnu sudbinu. Dimitrije, svakako spada u ovu treću grupu, jer dolazi iz Belorusije. Iako se istorijski baš ne preklapamo sa Belorusima u potpunosti, mislim da su poslednje decenije slične, odnosno postoji nemoć običnih ljudi da gospodare svojom sudbinom zbog sistema u kome žive. To je verovatno i razlog zašto je Dimitrije odlučio da se preseli u Crnu Goru. Verovatno dobar izbor po pitanju jezika, kulture i religije, ali ne i po drugim aspektima života na granici Balkana i Mediterana. Verujem da se za poslednjih godinu dana navikao i da ostaje samo da još Crna Gora prepozna sve njegove kvalitete. Iako je pedijatar radio je i akupunkturu i fizioterapiju, ali se bavio i sportskom medicinom i farmakologijom. Na nama je bilo da mu pomognemo i to je ono što sam davno naučio da kada god mogu pomognem, bez obzira na sve druge okolnosti. Dimitrije je bio u Beogradu čekajući Šengensku vizu, što me je podsetilo na neko davno prošlo vreme i redove ispred ambasada. Dokaz kako smo kao društvo napredovali ne ceneći dovoljno slobodu koju imamo i mogućnost da putujemo bez vize. Nadam se da će Dimitrije uskoro biti etabliran u novoj sredini, a da će moći da se iskaže bez obzira na poreklo koje ga trenutno sprečava. Dok ovo pišem slušam Vladu Divljana koji je najbolji primer življenja van svoje domovine i dokaz da talent i veština opstaju u svim sistemima, a kako i ne bi kada smo kao u Maljčikima (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=65yPupz6dgE&list=RDAOXTrq7NgT3ysTjKIZjhQjYA) naučili da:

„Plamene zore bude nas iz sna
Fabricka jutra, dim iz dimnjaka
Pesma se ori, mladi radnici
Čelicna jutra, hitam fabrici.“

I zaista ljudi koji su živeli u takvom sistemu teško da neće uspeti bez obzira gde žive.

I understand some people because I read about their countries, some because I traveled to their lands, and some because we shared or we are sharing a similar destiny. Dzmitry certainly belongs to this third group because he comes from Belarus. Although historically, we do not entirely overlap with Belarusians, I think the last decades are similar. There is the powerlessness of ordinary people to control their destiny because of the system they live in. This is probably the reason why Dzmitry decided to move to Montenegro. Undoubtedly a good choice in terms of language, culture, and religion, but not in other aspects of life on the Balkans and the Mediterranean border. I believe that he has gotten used to it in the last year and that all that remains is that Montenegro recognizes all his qualities. Although he was a pediatrician, he also practiced acupuncture and physiotherapy, but he also dealt with sports medicine and pharmacology. It was up to us to help him, and that’s what I learned a long time ago to help whenever I can, regardless of all other circumstances. D Dzmitry was in Belgrade waiting for a Schengen visa, which reminded me of queues in front of embassies long-ago time. Proof of how we have made it forward as a society without appreciating our freedom and the possibility to travel without a visa. I hope that Dzmitry will soon be established in a new system and that he will be able to express himself regardless of his background, which is currently preventing him. While writing this, I’m listening to Vlada Divljana, the best example of living outside one’s homeland and proof that talent and skill survive in all systems. Like we learned in Maljčiki (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=65yPupz6dgE&list=RDAOXTrq7NgT3ysTjKIZjhQjYA):

„Reddish dawn wakes me from my sleep.
Factory morning and smoke from the chimney.
Young workers are singing a song.
Steel morning, I’m running to the factory. “

And really, people who live in such a system will hardly fail no matter where they live.

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