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Dušica Tasić (1970) Znalac iza scene/ Expert behind the scene

8 Aug , 2017  

Naravno da zbog prirode posla znam mnogo sportskih novinara. Sa nekima sam išao u školu, sa nekima ronim, a sa nekima bih radio da mogu da postignem, ali Dušica je drugačija, iako je mnogi uopšte ne doživljavaju kao sportsku novinarku. Ona ima svoj pristup, ne ubacuje gomilu ličnih podataka o sportistima, ne insistira da nas nauči ko su članovi porodice sportiste, već ide nekako u širinu. U njenim prilozima ima dosta sportske istorije i neophodnih informacija koje pomažu da razumemo sve okolnosti vezane za određenog sportistu. Kako drugačije okarakterisati njene serijale Atletika za početnike, Na putu za Rio, London… I sve to uvek pozitivno i znalački. U stvari više nego znalački, jer verovatno jedino Dušicu interesuje genska terapija miokardiopatija, keto dijeta, intolerancija na hranu  sve ostale teme sa margine, a danas nezaobilazne u sportu. Baš sam danas u Jutarnjem programu rekao da uloga javnog servisa i jeste edukacija ljudi i da nekada govore o temama o kojima se ne priča ni u našim naučnim krugovima. Mnogi to smatraju normalnim, zato što su nas na to navikli. Međutim, da je to normalno postojalo bi i na drugim televizijama, ali na žalost toga nema. I Dušica upravo zbog toga drugačija, jer kao urednik Jutarnjeg programa, ima mogućnost da o sportu priča stalno i ne samo onim popularnim, već i malim sportovim u kojima Srbija ima šampione. Sretali smo se na  olimpijskim igrama u Londonu, Riju, na Eurobasketima, prvenstvima u rukometu, atletici i ko zna gde ne. Čak i kada nije prisustvovala zvanično ona je izveštavala, to je valjda odlika ljudi koji vole svoj posao, rade i kada ne moraju. I zbog toga verovatno Dušičino sportsko izveštavanje nije samo uticalo na njenu karijeru, već nam je otkrilo talentovanog novinara.  

Because of the nature of the job I know many sports journalists. I went to school with some of them, with some I am scuba diving, and I would work with some of them if I could achieve it, but Dusica is different, although many do not even feel her like a sports journalist. She has her own approach, does not insert a lot of personal data about athletes, it does not insist on teaching us who are members of the athlete’s family, but it goes somehow in width. In her reports are many sports history and necessary information that help to understand the contexts related to a particular athlete. How to describe her series of “Athletics for beginners”, “On the way to Rio”, “…London” … And all this is always positive and knowledgeable. In fact more than knowledgeable, because probably only Dusica is interested in gene therapy of myocardiopathy, keto diet, food intolerance, all other topics from the margin, and nowadays unavoidable in sports. I just said in the Morning program of Radio television of Serbia today that the role of the public service is education of people, even when they talk about topics that are not even mentioned in our scientific circles. Many consider it normal because they are used to it. However, if that is normal it would exist on other televisions, but unfortunately it does not exist. And Dusica is exactly different because, as an editor of the Morning Program, she has the opportunity to talk about sports constantly and not only about the popular sports, but also to the small sports in which Serbia has champions. We met at the Olympic Games in London, Rio, Eurobaskets, handball, athletics championships and who knows where. Even when she was not officially present she reported it, it’s probably the quality of people who love their job, they work when they do not have to. And for that reason, probably the Dusica’s sports report not only influenced her career, but she also revealed us as a talented journalist.


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