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Dušan Matković (1999) – Kolo od sreće / The Wheel of Fortune

17 Aug , 2017  

Mali broj ljudi može da kaže da većinu stvari koje uspeo, uspeo sam.  Dušan je verovatno jedan od retkih. Možda da nemam ovoliko godina, ne bih imao pravo da ovo  napišem, ali ovako sam prilično siguran. Mnogi imaju profesora engleskog, ali Dušan nije, a savladao je engleski toliko da kada smo rešavali zajedno test, imao bolja rešenja od mene. O uspehu u školi ne bih govorio, završava razrede onako kako je moja mama govorila za mene, neprimetno tako da niko nije ni svestan, sa odličnim uspehom. Međutim, ono gde je imao pomoć je vaterpolo. Otac kao vrsni trener mu je svakako pomogao, ali opet imam utisak da je Dušan i to prevazišao. Gledao sam ga na svetskom prvenstvu za juniore u Beogradu. Iako je bio ometen kratkotrajnom bolešću, vratio se u igru i sa malom minutažom postigao gol po utakmici. Mislim  da smirenost, koncentraciju i odnos prema igri koju je pokazao više nego nedvosmisleno pokazuju sav njegov kvalitet, koji nije mogao samo da bude naučen. Jednostavno on je pravi sportista. Zašto ovo pišem. Pa zato što mislim da mu je sada najpotrebnija pomoć. Prosto bi bilo šteta da odličan učenik i vaterpolista završi u provincijskom klubu i na našim posrnulim fakultetima. Sticajem okolnosti razgovarao  sa Đanijem Loncijem, jednim od najčuvenijih svetskih vaterpolista koji je zlato na olimpijskim igrama 1960, koji je osvojio svetsko prvenstvo i koji iako ima 79 godina još uvek predsedava FINA tehničkom komisijom u vaterpolu. Rekao je: Da, apsolutno,  takvom detetu treba pomoći. Ostavio mi je e-mail i mobilni. Postupio je onako kako bih i ja, ako nešto treba da se uradi, jednostavno treba da se uradi. Gledajući godine gospodina Loncija i Dušana imam utisak da će mentalitet Mediterana prikazan kroz prolaznost stihova Ivana Gundulića prevladati:

Kolo od sreće uokoli
vrteći se ne pristaje:
tko bi gori, eto je doli,
a tko doli gori ustaje.

A few people can say that most of the things they succeeded, they did it alone. Dusan is probably one of the them. If I am not so old, probably I would not have the right to write this, but I’m pretty sure this way. Many have English professors, but Dusan has not, and he mastered English so much that when we solved the test together, he had better solutions than me. I would not speak about school success, finish classes the way my mom spoke to me, smoothly so that nobody is aware, but with great success. However, the one where he had the help was water polo. His father, as an excellent coach, certainly helped him, but again I have the impression that Dusan overcame that. I watched him at the World Junior Championships in Belgrade. Although he was disturbed by a short-term illness, he returned to the competition and scored a goal per game. I think that the calmness, concentration and attitude toward the game that he showed more than obviously show all his quality, which he could not only be learned. He’s just a real athlete. Why I write this. Well, because I think he needs to be supported now. It would be a pity that an excellent student and a water polo player would end up in a provincial club and at our troubled faculties. As a result of the circumstances, he talked with Gianni Lonzi, one of the world’s most famous water polo players who got gold at the 1960 Olympic Games, who won the World Cup and who, although he is 79 years old, still chairs the FINA technical committee in water polo. He said: Yes, absolutely, such a child needs help. He left me e-mail and mobile. He acted the way I do, if something needs to be done, it just needs to be done. Looking at the years of Mr. Lonci and Dusan, I have the impression that the mentality of the Mediterranean, shown through the passing through life of Ivan Gundulic’s poetry, will prevail:

The Wheel of Fortune circling around
Does not stop in its revolutions:
Who was up, is turned down,
And who was down, is lifted up.

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