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Dr. Luigi Fiorenzo Festi (1956) – More than a Professor / Više nego profesor

12 Jul , 2017  

I know him several years. In spite, he is not officially Professor of medicine, I am sure that he is better than many professors in mountain medicine. Believe me, I know, or at least I met, almost all of them. To my opinion if you are considered an expert in your profession, you can teach without graduate degrees. Luigi is just like that. How else can we name a man who organized 4th times International Master Course

in Mountain Medicine and 1st International Master Course in Mountain Expedition Medicine. Courses are opening the magic of mountain to medical doctors, who are far from that.

If any doctor recalls what he learned about mountain medicine during studying he will see almost nothing, and if he adds on top of that physiology, technical base of mountaineering, rescue, treatment of different diseases, fitness, nutrition, supplementation and who knows what else, then it is clear that mountain medicine is huge. It seems that Luigi knows that, since he is organizing course which is not comparable to any mountain medicine course I know. How differently to understand course which is organized in Davos, Chamonix, Zermatt, Alagna, Grand Canyon and of course home town of Dr. Festi, Varese.

For me personally to most intriguing venue is Instituto Mosso where I came first time in more than casual suit, but definitely not mountaineering one and almost from the beginning my legs have been wet, since I have to walk over snow and ice in summer shoes. I didn’t check that Instituto Mosso is on 3000 m, since I thought that I am coming to University of Torinio. Generally, that was correct, except I didn’t know that the building is far away from Torino and on 3000 m. Lately, I have found out that Institute would not exist without Regina Margherita of Savoy who was in secret love with Dr. Angelo Mosso and helped him not only to build Institute, but as well Capanna Margherita or the highest mountain hut in Europe and “holy” place for mountain medicine. I am grateful to Luigi that I had a chance to visit that place few days ago. Meraviglioso, like Italians are telling, but I could add more than that. But If you think that I am grateful to Luigi just because he made me possible to climb Capanna Margherita you are not even fifty percent correct, I am grateful that I learned so much, specially about team spirit, which from ethical point bother me too much, as I am older and older. Please read portrait of Lucia Guliano. For the end, I could say that we need more Luigis on the world, men with free will and wish to educate people.

Dr. Luiđi Fjorenco Festi (1956) – više nego profesor

Poznajem ga nekoliko godina. Uprkos tome, što on zvanično nije profesor medicine, siguran sam da je bolji od mnogih profesora u planinskoj medicini. Verujte mi, znam, ili barem sam upoznao, gotovo sve. Po mom mišljenju, ako se smatraš stručnjakom u svojoj profesiji, možeš da predaješ bez doktorata. Luiđi je upravo takav. Kako drugačije možemo nazvati čoveka koji je organizovao četiri međunarodna master kurs o planinskoj medicini i prvi međunarodni master kurs o planinskim ekspedicijama. Kursevi otvaraju magiju planina lekarima koji su daleko od toga.

Ako se neki lekar razmisli što je naučio o planinskoj medicini tokom studiranja, neće znati mnogo, a ako tome doda fiziologiju, tehničku osnovu planinarenja, spasavanje, lečenje različitih bolesti, fitnes, ishranu, suplementaciju i ko zna šta drugo, onda je jasno da je planinska medicina ogromna. Izgleda da Luiđi to zna, pošto organizuje kurs koji nije uporediv sa bilo kojim kursom o planinskim medicinama koje znam. Kako drugačije razumeti kurs koji se organizuje u Davosu, Šamoniju, Zermatu, Alanji, Velikom kanjonu i naravno u gradu dr. Festija, Vareseu.

Za mene lično najintrigantnije mesto je Institut Moso, gde sam prvi put došao u običnom odelu, ali definitivno ne planinarskom, a skoro od samog početka moje noge su bile mokre, jer sam morao da hodam po snegu i ledu u letnjim cipelama. Nisam proverio da li je Institut Moso na 3000 m, pošto sam mislio da dolazim na Univerzitet u Torinu. Generalno, to je tačno, osim što nisam znao da je zgrada Instituta daleko od Torina i na 3000 m. U poslednje vreme saznao sam da Institut ne bi postojao bez kraljice Margerite Savojske koja je bila u tajnoj ljubavi sa dr Andjelom Mosom i pomogla mu ne samo da izgradi Institut, već i planinsku kuću Margeritu ili najvišu planinsku kućicu u Evropi i “sveto” mesto za planinsku medicinu. Zahvalan sam Luiđiju što sam imao priliku da posetim to mesto pre nekoliko dana. Meraviglioso, kako to kažu Italijani, ali bih mogao dodati više od toga. Ali, ako mislite da sam zahvalan Luiđiju samo zato što je učinio mogućim da se popnem na Margeritu, niste čak ni pedeset posto upravu, zahvalan sam što sam mnogo naučio, posebno o timskom duhu, koji me iz ugla etike sve više muči, verovatno jer sam stariji i stariji. Molim vas pročitajte portret Lucije Đulijano. Za kraj, mogao bih reći da nam je potrebno više Luiđija na svetu, muškarca s slobodnom voljom i željom da edukuje ljude.




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