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Dr. Lucia Giuliano (1970) – I deserve this! / Ja zaslužujem ovo!

12 Jul , 2017  

Without possibility to search more, just few hours after we have descended from Capanna Margeritha I need to get acquainted all of you with extraordinary person Dr. Lucia Giuliano. So what, just another doctor. No, just another doctor, but student of mountain medicine in her 47. Mother of 3 kids. Noting special. Maybe, if you do not know that she has rare mitochondrial disease and her cells could not produce enough energy for basic movements.  When I heard that she is taking 1200 mg of coenzyme Q 10 I thought that, that she add at least one zero. I am lecturing about Q 10, I like that so called vitamin, since we are losing it during the aging. I know that there is 40% less coenzyme Q 10 in my cells, than in my adolescence, but in Lucia cells there is nothing. All the metabolic processes of aerobic respiration do not exist without coenzyme Q 10, means that Lucia is taking 40 times more than German pharmacopeia is advising. Not only that, she is taking 4 g of carnitine in order to improve metabolism of fatty acids in mitochondria. Normal dose is at least two times less. Without the intention to turn everything to medicine, I could say that Lucia was so weak that she could not walk normally, not to mention climbing on 3647 m on Cappana Gnifeti or 4554 m on Capanna Margherita. But she did it, in spite on the first day of acclimatization between those two iconic mountain huts she almost died in front of my eyes. I saw so many patient in her position who needed resuscitation, but she did not. She raised as the mystical bird. On the second day she was so good, climbed equally with the group. When I say group I mean on the people who are together because they support each other, learn together and have common goal. But unfortunately group of master doctors didn’t support her. They thought only about themselves and they didn’t support Lucia climb to 4554 m.  With tears in her eyes she said: I deserve this! We kissed each other and said good bye. Lucia has turned and begen to descend and we have continued to climb up.  But few steps before the Capanna Mragherita, we have recognized Lucia and her guide, magnificent Romolo, just half hours behind us. Luica was so convincing that Romolo, in spite, he was not acclimatized properly, he has decide to return and climb Capanna Mragherita. She managed and showed the group that mountain medicine course is not a holiday, where everybody is thinking about him/herself, but place where medical doctors are learning how to help somebody in difficult environment not thinking about  themselves. Thank you Lucia, you showed them, you showed me what is the most important thing in mountain medicine – Ethics. Finally I am grateful to Dr. Luigi Fest who supported Lucia climb and make possible that somebody who is on the metabolic edge, be a leader in mountain medicine. Grazie mille Lucia!

Bez mogućnosti da istražim više, samo nekoliko sati nakon što smo se spustili iz Capanna Margeritha, želim da vas upoznam sa izuzetnom osobom Dr. Lucijom Đulijano. Pa šta, samo još jedan doktor. Ne, samo još jedan doktor, već i student planinske medicine u svojoj 47. godini.  Majka 3 dece. Ništa posebno. Možda, ako ne znate da ima retku mitohondrijalnu bolest, a da njene ćelije ne mogu da proizvedu dovoljno energije za osnovno kretanje. Kada sam čuo da uzima 1200 mg koenzima Q10, pomislila sam da je dodala jednu nulu. Predajem o Q10, meni se sviđa taj takozvani vitamin, jer ga gubimo tokom starenja. Znam da je 40% manje koenzima Q10 u mojim ćelijama, nego u adolescenciji, ali u Lucijinim ćelijama ga nema uopšte. Svi metabolički aerobni procesi ne postoje bez koenzima Q10, a Lucija uzima 40 puta više nego što savetuje njemačka farmakopeja. Ne samo to, ona uzima 4 g karnitina u cilju poboljšanja metabolizma masnih kiselina u mitohondrijama. Normalna doza je najmanje dva puta manja. Bez namere da sve to pretvorim u medicinu, mogla bih reći da je Lucija bila toliko slaba da nije mogla normalno da hoda, a da ne spominjem penjanje na 3647 m na Cappana Gnifeti ili 4554 m na Capanna Margherita. Ali to je uradila, uprkos što je prvog danu aklimatizacije između ove dva planinske kuće, skoro umrla pred mojim očima. Video sam puno pacijenta poput nje u položaju kome im je trebala reanimacija, ali njoj nije. Podigla se kao neka mistična ptica. Drugog dana je bila tako dobra, jednako brzo se pela sa grupom. Kada kažem grupu mislim na ljude koji su zajedno jer se međusobno podržavaju, uče zajedno i imaju zajednički cilj. Ali, nažalost, grupa lekara sa master kursa nije podržala Luciju. Razmišljali su samo o sebi i nisu podržali Luciju na 4554 m. Sa suzama u očima rekla je: Ja zaslužujem ovo! Mi smo se poljubili i pozdravili. Lucija se okrenula i počela da silazi, a mi smo nastavili da se penjemo. Ali nekoliko koraka pred Capanna Mragherita, prepoznajemo Luciju i njenog vodiča, veličanstvenog Romoloa, udaljene samo pola sata iza nas. Lucija je bio toliko uverljiva da Romolo, uprkos tome što nije bio pravilno aklimatizovan, odlučuje da se vrati i penje na Capanna Margherita. Ona je uspela i pokazala grupi da kurs planinske medicine nije praznik, kada svi razmišljaju o sebi, već mesto gde lekari nauče kako da pomognu nekome u teškom okruženju, ne razmišljajući o sebi. Hvala Luciji, pokazala si im, pokazala si meni, šta je najvažnije u planinskoj medicini – etika. Na kraju, zahvalan sam dr. Luiđiju Festiju koji je podržao uspon Lucije i omogućio da neko koji je na metaboličkoj ivici bude lider u planinskoj medicini. Grazie Mille Lucija!


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