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Đorđe Ćurčić (1978 – ) Georgie boy

3 Nov , 2019  

Ja sigurno nisam čovek koji bi jadikovao nad sudbinom  onih koji odlaze iz zemlje, jer sam i sam zamišljao da živim u inostranstvu, već odmah posle fakulteta. Međutim, ostao sam, a čini mi se da su svi otišli, čak i oni koji nikada nisu ni planirali. Na taj odlazak u inostranstvo nikada nisam gledao kao pečalbu, već kao prirodno kretanje ka boljem poslu i upoznavanje novih ljudi i krajeva. Uvek mi se činilo da se svako od nas slučajno rodio u jednoj zemlji, ali da smo svi mi stanovnici sveta. Stekao sam mnogo prijatelja koji upravo tako žive. U jednom su se gradu rodili, u drugom završili školu, a u trećem rade. On nemaju osećaj pripadnosti koji je kod nas tako važan, jer ko zna gde će steći porodicu, gde će dobiti decu i konačno gde će završiti boravak na ovoj našoj planeti.

Međutim, odlazak Đoleta, mi je ostavio gorak ukus. Ne zato što se brinem kako će se snaći, već pre svega zato što je otišao još neko s kojim sam nešto postigao. Svejedno je iz kog ugla se posmatra, da li započinjanja doping kontrola, rada sa sportistima, mentalnog treninga ili naučnog istraživanja. Đorđe je bio podjednako dobar, kao i u svojoj osnovnoj profesiji, psihijatriji. I u trenutku kada je trebalo da mu se oda priznanje za sav rad, projekte, istraživanja, ali preuzimanje odgovornosti za upravljanje bolnicom i rad sa ljudima, odlučio je da ode. Čini mi se ne svojom voljom, jer osoba koja je preuzela upravljanje njegovom bolnicom, je to mogla da postigne samo u ovako ranjenoj Srbiji. A uskraćivanje slobode je nateralo ne samo njega, već svakog četvrtog lekara da je napusti.

Mogu da zamislim da će Đole uspeti ono što je namerio, ali i da će mu biti nepotrebno teško. Činjenice da će morati neke stvari da odradi od početka i da se ponovo izbori za davno izboreni status. I verovatno baš to mu daje neku novu energiju, tako da mi rastanak s njim ne pada teško, jer sam siguran da će tamo gde ode biti više cenjen nego u svojoj zemlji. Ispada kao u nekoj dobroj pozorišnoj predstavi na Vest Endu, gde Georgie boy na očigled svih pobeđuje, kao u pesmi Roda Stjuarta čije se sve reči ne odnose na njega, ali jedna strofa verovatno da (u mom slobodnom prevodu):

Rekao je „nikad ne čekaj ili ne oklevaj
Ostani dete, pre nego što bude kasno
Možda nikada nećeš dobiti drugu priliku
Mladost je maska, koja ne traje
Živi dugo i živi brzo“
Georgie mi je bio prijatelj.

Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh

I am certainly not a man who laments over the fate of those who leave the country, because I imagined myself living abroad, right after faculty. However, I stayed and it seemed when everyone went, even those who never even planned. I never viewed this trip abroad as wage labor but as a natural move towards a better job and meeting new people and places. It always seemed to me that each of us was born in one country by accident.  But, we are all inhabitants of the world. I have made many friends who live just that way. They were born in one city, graduated in another town, and worked in a third. They do not have a sense of belonging that is so important to us.  Because who knows where they will get a family, where will get their children, and finally where they will end up staying on this planet.

However, the departure of Djole left me with a bitter taste. Not because I worry about how he will manage, but because someone is going with whom I did something. It does not matter from what point of view, whether starting doping controls, working with athletes, mental training, or scientific research. George was as good as he was in his primary profession, psychiatry. And at the moment he was to be given credit for all the work, projects, research,  taking responsibility for managing the hospital and working with people, he decided to leave. It seems not by his own will, because the person who took over the management of his hospital could only achieve it in such a fearful Serbia. And the denial of liberty forced not only him, but every fourth doctor to abandon it.

I can imagine that Djole will succeed what he intended, but it will also be unnecessarily complicated. The fact is that he will have to do some things from the beginning and to fight for the status he already won. It seems that gives him some new energy, so separating with him is not hard for me, because I’m sure that where he goes will be more appreciated than in his own country. It turns out to be some good theater performance on the West End, where Georgie boy apparently wins in front of all, as in a song by Rod Stewart whose words do not refer to him completely, but one refrain probably:

He said “never wait or hesitate
Get in kid, before it’s too late
You may never get another chance
‘Cause youth a mask but it don’t last
Live it long and live it fast”
Georgie was a friend of mine

Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh



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