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Danijela Stefanović (1983) – Specijalni savetnik – Special adviser

28 Aug , 2017  

Savetnik je reč, kao i mnoga druga izgubila značenje u našem jeziku, jer je od svake vlasti obesmišljena. Skoro svakodnevno čujemo da je neko savetnik nekom, a zajedno nemaju osnovno znanje o poslu kojim se bave. S druge strane pravi poznavaoci neke oblasti nemaju mogućnost da se iskažu i napuštaju našu divnu zemlju. Tako je bilo i da Danijelom, koja je sticajem okolnosti postala moj specijalni savetnik. Naravno, možete da pretpostavite da u sportu znam puno ljudi, ali da samo retki imaju prave informacije. Malo je onih koji zaista imaju moju punu pažnju zbog svoje obaveštenosti. Neki su moji bliski saradnici, neki su dobri prijatelji, dok su neki samo poznanici čije znanje cenim. Danijela je ovo poslednje, mada bi bilo dobro da imamo više vremena da se družimo. Naš susret je bio slučajan, za šta je kriv Monastiraki koji predstavlja boemsko turistički deo Atine, sa mnogo radnji i kafanica u podnožju Akropolja. Iako nije baš najreprezentativniji deo grada, uvek tamo boravim kad sam u Atini. Imam svoju restoran(e), prodavnicu majci, svog prodavca kapa i šešira i od skora i svoju suvenirnicu. U njoj sam prvi put sreo Danijelu i nakon nekoliko rečenica video da se radi o pravom ekspertu u sportu. Tada sam bio na utakmici Panatanikosa za koji ona navija i zasula me ja pravom bujicom informacija. Iako se uglavnom pripremam za utakmice, pola od toga što mi je rekla nisam znao. Naravno, jer je Danijela govorila upravo onako kako ja doživljavam sport, kao mešavinu politike, interesa, sporta i morala. Naš poslednje viđenje od pre nekoliko dana bilo je upravo takvo. Na moja interesovanje za uspon AEK-a odgovorila je kompleksnom analizom pada, pa usponom iz nižerazredne lige i stvaranjem tima koji će da igra u Evroligi. I sve bi to bilo dobro da pri tom nije objasnila problem u igri Panatnaikosa, kao i analizu prijateljske košarkaše utakmice Grčke sa Italijom. Naravno, nemoguće ako znate da je AEK gledala na državnoj televiziji, a Panatanaikos na kompjuteru, dok je spremala mašinu za pranje veša. I dalje mi nije jasno kako je pratila košarku, ali znala je rezultat, koji je sportski rečeno bio potpuno ne važan. I to je suština dobrog savetnika koja mora da voli ono čemu priča i onda nema problema da mu verujete.

The adviser is the word, as many others have lost meaning in our language, because of the wrong usage of every government. Almost every day we hear someone advising someone, and together they have no basic knowledge of the job they are dealing with. On the other hand, true adviser of a certain area has no opportunity to show off and leave our beautiful country. Similar was with Danijela, who is by the circumstance became my special advisor. Of course, you can assume that I know a lot of people in sport, but just a few have the right information. There are a rare of them who really have my full attention for their awareness. Some are my close associates, some are good friends, while some are only acquaintances whose knowledge I appreciate. Danijela is the last one, although it would be good that we have more time to hang out. Our encounter was accidental, which is the fault of Monastiraki, a bohemian part of Athens, with many shops and taverns at the foot of the Acropolis. Although it’s not the most representative part of the city, I always stay there when I’m in Athens. I have my own restaurant(s), a store for T Shirts, my hat seller, and recently my souvenir shop. I met Daniel in it for the first time and after a few sentences I saw that she is a real expert in sports. Then I was at the Panathinaikos match, which she supports and she filled me with a real flow of information. Although I usually prepare for matches, half of what she told me I did not know. Of course, Danijela spoke exactly the way I experience sports, as a mixture of politics, interests, sports and morale. Our last meeting a few days ago was just like that. To my interest in the rise of AEK, she responded with a complex analysis of the fall, the progress from the lower league and the making of a team that will play in Euroleague. And all of this would be good, but she explained the problems in the Panathinaikos game, as well as the analysis of the friendly basketball game of Greece with Italy. Of course, that was impossible if you know that she was watching AEK on state television, and Panathinaikos on the computer while preparing the washing machine. I still do not understand how she was following basketball, but she knew the result, which was not important, sport wise. And that’s the essence of a good advisor who must love what she is talking about and then there’s no problem believing her.




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