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Charles-André Lutz (1982) – Cosmopolitanism

19 May , 2018  

Sve dok nisam dobio unuke koje praktično imaju dva maternja jezika,nisam bio obraćao pažnju na fenomen dece koja tokom odrastanja uče više jezika. Očigledno da jezici utiču nekako na mozak, pa se deca brže razvijaju. O Čarlsu ne znam dovoljno, ali znam da govori filipinski, francuski i engleski, što mu je donelo odrastanje na Filipinima i Švajcarskoj. Međutim, ono što još nisam uspeo da vidim kod mojih unuka, a jesam kod Čarlsa je kosmopolitizam. Odnos prema ljudima, moral, nezavisnost, verovanje, odgovornost, baš sve je drugačije kod kosmopolita. Pre dva dana gledao sam Čarlsa i učio. Čovek treba da bude ljubazan, prema svakom, jer je to verovatno najvažnije za odnosno među ljudima. Neću da kažem da to nisam znao, ali nekako ljubaznost nije nešto što se prepoznaje na Balkanu, a sopstvena zemlja mi trenutno deluju zatrovano po tom pitanju. Verovatno zato mi je komunikacija Čarlsa sa ljudima koje smo sretali tog dana prijala. Ne samo da je rešavala probleme, već je većinu ostavila relaksiranim. Slično je i kad Čarls razgovara sa nama, osetite se nekako važnim, jer vaš rad znači nešto. Očigledno da lepa reč može da promeni mnogo.

Until I didn’t get  grandchildren who practically have two mother tongues, I did not pay attention to the phenomenon of children who, when growing up, learn a lot of languages. Obviously, languages ​​influence somehow the brain, so children develop faster. I do not know much about Charles, but I know he speaks Filipino, French and English, which brought him childhood in the Philippines and Switzerland. However, what I have not yet managed to see at my grandchildren, I did at Charles, it is cosmopolitanism. Relation to people, morality, independence, belief, responsibility, everything is different with cosmopolitanism. Two days ago, I watched Charles and taught. Man should be kind to everyone, because this is probably the most important thing for relationship among people. I’m not saying I did not know that, but kindness is not something that is recognized in the Balkans, and my own country currently seems to be diseased on this issue. Probably that’s why Charles’s communication with the people we met on that day, pleased me so much. Not only it solved problems, but left most of them relaxed. Similarly, when Charles talks to us, we feel somehow important, because our work means something. Obviously, a nice word can change a lot.

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