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Branislav Jevtić (1963) – Korak po korak/ Step by step

6 Mar , 2018  

Poznanstvo sa Branom nije bilo jednostavno.Tačnije dešavalo se korak po korak, tako da sam svaki put nešto naučio, ne uvek direktno, a ponekad radeći da odgovorim na neku njegovu ideju. Eto, upravo privodim kraju pisanje članka o dekadi antidoping u Srbiji i opet sam nešto naučio.  Mislio sam da će članak biti informativan, ali Brano kaže: Članak nije toliko informativan, kako ti kažeš, koliko je kauzalan! Može da se zaključuje o promenama u društvu, o intencijama  ljudi kojima je nešto povereno. Zamisli sve one širom sveta, a tek u Srbiji (mislim na visoko obrazovane), koji nemaju pojma o tome šta i kako se čini. Oni samo znaju da su Amerikanci izuzeti i, za njih, nema druge mere i vrednosti u borbi protiv dopinga. I to nikad nije sve, nekad od Brane naučim nešto novo o metodologiji, nekad nešto iz sportske nauke i vrlo često o filozofiji sporta. Susreti sa Branom su postali zanimljivi, a ishod druženja nije lako predvideti. Žao mi je što neke projekte nismo ostvarili, ali kako sam napisao u zahvalnici članka zahvaljujem se ne samo što nas je uvek razumeo, već i bitno pomogao u rešavanju problema sportske ishrane i suplementacije. I u svemu je važno da postoji neko ko može da vam pokaže da u stvari baš ne znate sve što mislite da znate.

Being acquainted with Bran was not easy. More precisely, it took place step by step, so I learned something each time, but not always directly, but sometimes working to answer some of his ideas. These days, I’m just about to finish writing an article on the antidoping decade in Serbia and I’ve learned something again. I thought the article would be informative, but Brano says: The article is not so informative, as you say, how casual it is! It is possible to conclude about changes in society, about the intentions of people who are entrusted with something. Imagine all those around the world, and those in Serbia (highly educated), who have no idea what and how things are working. They just know that the Americans are exempted and there are no other measures and values ​​in the fight against doping for them. And that’s never all, I’ve learned from Brana something new about methodology, sometimes about sports science and very often about the philosophy of sports. Meetings with Bran have become a pleasure, and the outcome of socializing is not easy to predict. I’m sorry that we did not realize some projects, but as I wrote in the thank you note in article, I thank him not only that he always understood us, but also helped us to solve the problem of sports nutrition and supplements. And in all it’s important that there is someone who can show you that in fact you do not really know everything you think you know.


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