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Borja Osse Garcia (1972) Druženje koje traje / Frriendship that last

28 Mar , 2022  

Iznenadi susret sa Borhom na Svetskom atletskom prvenstvu u Beogradu,podsetio me je na naš početak druženja. Kao zaljubljenici u sport, svako iz svog ugla našli smo se u antidoping komisiji Međunarodne penjačke i planinarske asocijacije još davne 2005 godine. Borha kao advokat iz Bilbaa, a ja kao sportski lekar iz Beograda. I tu smo ostali do dana današnjeg. Praktično kao volonteri smo planirali i uradili mnogo doping kontrola. Nažalost, morali i da sankcionišemo neke sportiste, gde je Borhino znanje bilo važno. I ne samo u okviru planinarstva koristili smo Borhu kao advokata u nekim slučajevima na Arbitražnom sudu u Lozani. Onako kako smo se razumeli prvog dana tako smo sve radili, bez problema i sa maksimalnim razumevanjem. Kao bivši triatlonac Borha je  uvek podržavao sportiste, ali sprovođenje antidoping pravila nije lako. Tako smo i Beogradu imali zadatak da raspravimo neke slučajeve iz prošlosti pored razmatranja složene sportsko političke situacije. Osim činjenica da obojca potičemo iz malih zemalja koje imaju komplikovanu istoriju i trenutnu situaciju, interesovanje za sport i obrazovanje su nas spojili tako da možemo da rešimo i najkomplikovanije slučajeve. Sigurno da svemu daje poseban pečat dr Marija Anđelković, ne samo kao šef antidoping komisije, već pre svega zbog brige prema sportistima. Tako naš  trio  već više od 15 godina uspešno čuva antidoping integritet planinara, a svega ne bilo da nema naše ljubavi prema prema planini.

Sudden meeting with Borja at the World Athletics Championships in Belgrade reminded me of the beginning of our friendship. As sports enthusiasts, we found ourselves in the antidoping commission of the International Climbing and Mountaineering Association back in 2005. Borja as a lawyer from Bilbao, and I as a sports doctor from Belgrade. And we have remained in UIAA to this day. Practically as volunteers, we planned and did a lot of doping controls. But unfortunately, we also had to sanction some athletes, where Borja’s knowledge was essential. And not only in the field of mountaineering, but we also used Borja as a lawyer in some cases at the Court of Sports Arbitration in Lausanne. The way we understood each other on the first day, we did everything without problems and with complete understanding. Borja has always supported athletes as a former triathlete, but enforcing antidoping rules is not easy. Thus, we had the task of discussing some cases from the past in Belgrade and considering the complex sports and political situation. Apart from the fact that we both come from small countries that have a complicated history and current situation, our interest in sports and education has united us so that we can solve even the most complex cases. Finally, Dr. Marija Andjelković gives a unique sense to everything, not only as of the head of the antidoping commission but also because she cares for athletes. Thus, our trio has been successfully preserving the antidoping integrity of mountaineers for more than 15 years, and that would not happen without our love for the mountains.

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