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Bojan Nikolić (1995) – Preobraženje / The transfiguration !?

20 Aug , 2017  


Zamislite da ste se rodili na Kosovu 1995, kada se rat u Jugoslaviji bližio kraju, da ste sa  četiri godine pobegli sa Kosova sa majkom i sestrom, pošto vam je otac poginuo u rudniku, a rat sa Albancima se rasplamsao.Verujem da većina ne može ni da zamisli, a kamoli da se stavi u Bojanovu kožu. Ipak Bojan je odrastao u normalnog mladića svesnog svojih mogućnosti i sa željom da stvari promeni na bolje. Nažalost, neke mogućnosti nije iskoristio u životu i umesto da u srednjoj poljoprivrednoj savlada neophodne veštine da može da ih iskoristi na selu, jedva se provukao. Iako trezveno govori, ne koristi istu logiku u osmišljavanju posla, pa ima velike planove, ali ih ne sprovedi. I neki naši dogovori se baš nisu završili kako smo se dogovarili. Imam utisak da uvek traži lakši način. Međutim, čini mi se da nije samo Bojan kriv, već i škola i društvo koja je današnjoj omladini pokazala da se i bez truda i znanja može dobro živeti. Društvo u kome vrednosti počivaju na novcu, a ne na znanju; na mržnji, a ne ljubavi; na diktaturi, a ne slobodi; u kome je porodica rasturena, nema budućnost. I sada mi vi recite kako da pomognem Bojanu.  Mislim da je tačno ono što je Mendela govorio: „ Siromaštvo nije slučajnost.  Kao ropstvo i aparthejd stvoreno je od strane čoveka i može se ukloniti samo aktivnošću svih nas zajedno.” Jedino sto mi pada na pamet je da pošto je danas Preobraženje poverujem u čudo, jer mi jednostavno ne činimo ništa.

Imagine that you were born in Kosovo in 1995, when the war in Yugoslavia came to an end, that at four years age you fled Kosovo with your mother and sister, since your father died in the mine, and the war with the Albanians was fierce. I believe that most cannot even imagine, not to speak to be in Bojan’s skin. Still, Bojan grew up in a normal young man aware of his possibilities and with the desire to change things for the better. Unfortunately, he did not use some opportunities in his life, and instead to learn some skills at  Agricultural school and apply  them in the village, he could barely crawl through the school. Although he is soberly speaking, he does not use the same logic in creating a job, so he has great plans, but he does not implement them. And some of our deals did not end up as we agreed. It seems to me that he is always looking for an easier way. However, it seems to me that not only Bojan is guilty, but also the school and society that showed today’s youth that even without effort and knowledge can live well. Society in which values rest on money, not on knowledge; in hatred, not love; on dictatorship, not freedom; in which the family is broken, there is no future. And now you tell me how to help Bojan, because I think exactly what Mendela said: “Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.” The only thing that comes to my mind is that since today is Transfiguration we could believe in a miracle, since we just do not do anything.

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