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Andrej Pečjak (1957) Dobri sjaje… / Good shine…

3 Dec , 2017  

Sećam se te budističke rečenice: dobri sjaje izdaleka… i mislim da se u svemu može primeniti na Andreja.Bez obzira šta radi on je tome posvećen. Upoznali smo se na takmičenjima u lednom penjanju, koje se batrgalo bez para i sponzora, a onda je Andrej našao North Face kao sponzora i sve je postalo drugačije. Napravljena je serija svetskih kupova, ledno penjanje je postalo demonstrativni sport na olimpijskim igrama, a sinoć je počeo i prvo takmičenje iz serije za evropski kup. Naravno Andrej je odradio posao, ali ništa nije tražio za sebe, što je tako neobično danas. Zatim sam naučio da  je Andrej majstor koji stvara električne automobile. Kada sam za to prvi put čuo mislio sam da je to zabava za bogate i da to neće zaživeti, a prošle nedelje sam u Ajndhovenu prošao pored pumpe za Tesla automobil. Konačno u svom tom high tech-u Andrej je pomogao da se reši oboljene svoje supruge koja se upravo vratila sa transplantacije pluća. Koliko prošle godine pričali smo u programu Eurotransplanta i timu neverovatnog Prof. Klepetka i eto ostvarilo se, a bilo je tako daleko. Izgleda da je tačno da neki ljudi čine svet dobrim samo zato što su tu.

I remember those Buddhist sentences: Good shine from afar … and I think that can be applied to Andrej. No matter what he does, he is committed to it. We met at Ice climbing competitions that were scattered without money and sponsors, and then Andrej found the North Face as sponsor and everything became different. A series of world cups has been made, ice climbing has become a demonstration sport at the Olympic Games, and last night began the first competition from the European Cup series. Of course Andrej did the job, but he did not ask for anything, which is so unusual today. Then I learned that Andrej is a master who creates electric cars. When I first heard it, I thought it was fun for the rich and that would not come to life, and last week I went to Eindhoven next to the Tesla car pump. Finally, in his high tech, Andrej has helped to his wife disease be solved, who just returned from lung transplantation. Last year, we talked about the program Eurotransplant and the team of incredible Prof. Klepetko and that came true, in spite looked so far away. It looks like it’s true that some people make the world special, just because they are there.



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