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Anđela Tolić (1968) She shot the sheriff

21 Sep , 2020  

Danas mi je rođendan, a mama je često imala običaj da u rođendanskoj poruci napiše „odakle ti oči, rodila ih majka“. I meni je to bilo uvek zabavno, jer mi nije rodila samo oči, već sve što sam, ali eto oči su bile metafora svega. Jednog dana sam  gledao prvenac Rajnolda Mesnera o spašavanju planinara na planini Kenija davne 1970. godine. Ne mogu da kažem da nisam uživao, a onda sam video zvezdice misleći da su efekti filma. Vrlo brzo sam shvatio da ih samo ja vidim i da zvezdice predstavljaju simptom potencijalne ablacije retine.

I od tog trenutka, sve je išlo kako treba, jer sam došao u prave ruke. Dr Anđela Tolić me je pregledala i uradila lasersku intervenciju da bi sprečila ablaciju. Kasnije sam imao i operaciju i oko mi je bilo spašeno. Ponadao sam se da je time problem rešen, ali nakon četiri godine sve se ponovilo na desnom oku. Opet je dr Tolić nemilosrdno laserom pucala po mojoj retini i izgleda nakon četiri puta uspela da zaustavi dalji proces.

Ovoga puta me je bolelo više nego pre, a i činilo mi se da je Anđela lakšu na ”obaraču”. Odatle verovatno i naslov, jer sam imao utisak da njen neverovatni talent da upuca sve te promene na retini možda treba iskoristiti u realnom životu. Ko zna kakav bi bila strelac. A onda mi je rekla da je pokazala talenat u školi, ali, eto nije nastavila. Prosto imam želju da je odvedem kod našeg najboljeg strelca, Zorane Arunović, i proverimo sve u realnosti. Ko zna, s obzirom, na devojački stas, možda bi mogla i da počne da se takmiči. Nisam siguran da ovo izgleda napisano  kao prava zahvalnost doktoru, ali verujte mi da sam dr Tolić beskrajno zahvalan jer je spasila još jednom oči koje mi je mama podarila.

Today is my birthday, and my mother often used to write in her birthday message, “Where did your eyes come from? Your mother gave birth to them”. It was always fun for me, too, because it didn’t just give birth to my eyes, but everything I am, but my eyes were a metaphor for everything. And then one day  I was watching Reinhold Messner’s debut about rescuing a mountaineer on Mount Kenya back in 1970. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, and then I saw the stars thinking they were the movie’s effects. I quickly realized that only I could see them and that the stars were a symptom of potential retinal ablation.

And then everything went as it should because I came into the right hands. Dr. Andjela Tolic examined me and did a laser intervention to prevent ablation. Later I had surgery, and my eye was saved. I hoped that this solved the problem, but everything happened again in the right eye after four years.Similarly, Dr. Tolic mercilessly shot at my retina with a laser, and it seems that after four times, she managed to stop the further process.

This time it hurt more than the first time, and it seemed to me that Angela had an even lighter hand on the trigger. Hence probably the title, because I had the impression that her incredible talent to shoot all those changes on the retina might be used in real life. Who knows what kind of shooter she would be. And then she told me that she showed talent in school, but she didn’t continue. I wish to take her to our best shooter, Zorana Arunovic, and check everything in reality. Who knows, because of her girl’s stature, she might as well start competing. I’m not sure that this is written as a real thanks to the doctor, but believe me, I am infinitely grateful to Dr. Tolic because she saved the eyes that my mother gave me once again.

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April 2024