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Ali Simah (Simbe Sim) (1985) Među ajkulama / Among Sharks

20 Jan , 2021  

Ponovo na ronjenju na Maldivima. Ovoga puta posle najveće humanitarne katastrofe na zemlji u ovom veku. Ispostavilo se tačno, svi ljudi na zemlji su slični i među njima nema razlike. Da je drugačije mi sada ne bismo bili na Maldivima, već bi i dalje bili zatvoreni. Da smo od početka svi primenjivali iste mere i isto se ponašali, život na zemlji ne bi stao.

Srećem nakon tri godine Simbe Sima, instruktora ronjenja sa kojim smo ronili prošli put. Nije se mnogo promenio, osim što je napredovao, napravio svoju firmu i postao jedan od značajnijih partnera mnogim kompanijama koje organizuju ronjenje. Kaže da je to zato jer razmišlja internacionalno. Ja bih dodao da ima znanje, talenta i hrabrosti više nego drugi, pogotovo ako znamo da je startovao kao pomoćnik na ronilačkom brodu, opularnom doniju.

Maldivi su bili osam meseci i „lock down“-u i nije bilo lako. Oni su mali, stanovništvo je razasuto na stotine ostrva i čini se da je sve bilo komplikovanije nego drugde. Ipak nisu imali mnogo zaraženih i preminulih. Neki ljudi su preživeli zahvaljujući ušteđevini, a neki zbog pomoći vlade. Simbe je bio na svom ostrvu sa familijom. Imao je konačno vremena da se posveti više deci, sebi i zajednici. Dopalo mu se što su uspeli da naprave zajedničku akciju i očiste plažu. Za uzvrat su decu učili snorkovanje, a jedanestogodišnja ćerka je prvi put zaronila sa bocom. Kaže da je sve u edukaciji i da su ljudi dobro reagovali na zajedničku akciju. Nije strog sa decom, jer kad već ne provodi dovoljno vremena sa njima zbog posla ne želi da trenira strogoću, ali sve sprovodi što je važno za učenje i što im je odredila majka.

Plan je da jednog dana ima svoj brod, a do tada će  morati mnogo da radi. Nadam da ćemo se još mnogo puta sresti, jer je ovo putovanje kao blagoslov, da nakon toliko teskobnih meseci ponovo vidim svu ovu lepotu, ali i sretnem ljude bez kojih to sve ne bi imalo smisla.

Diving in the Maldives again. This time after the most significant humanitarian catastrophe on earth in this century. It turned out to be true, all people on earth are similar, and there is no difference between them. If it were different, we would not be in the Maldives now, but we would still be closed. If we all applied the same measures and behaved the same from the beginning, life on earth would not stop.

I meet Simbe Sima after three years, a diving instructor with whom we dived last time. He did not change much, except that he progressed, made his own company, and became one of many companies’ most important partners that organize diving. He says it’s because he thinks internationally. I would add that he has more knowledge, talent, and courage than others, especially if we know that he started as an assistant on a diving boat, popular Donny.

The Maldives was eight months and “lockdown,” and it was not easy. They are small, the population is scattered on hundreds of islands, and it seems that everything was more complicated than elsewhere. However, they did not have many infected and dead. Some people survived thanks to their savings and some thanks to government help. Simbe was on his island with his family. He finally had time to dedicate more to children, himself, and the community. He liked that they managed to make a joint action and clean the beach. In return, the children were taught snorkeling, and his eleven-year-old daughter scuba dived with a bottle for the first time. He says that everything is in education and that people reacted well to the joint action. He is not strict with children because he does not want to train strictness when he does not spend enough time with them, but he does everything necessary for learning, and their mother determines that.

The plan is to one day have his ship, and by then, he will have to work hard. I hope that we will meet many more times because this trip is a blessing, that after so many anxious months, I see all this beauty again, but I also meet people without whom it would not make sense.




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April 2024