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Alen Reljić (1989) – ekspresija na nivou / expresson with the class

15 Nov , 2017  

Susret sa Alenom me je podsetio na prve dane na Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji.  Mislio sam da sve znam najbolje i pitao se kako su starije kolege toliko toga zaboravile. Ubrzo sam shvatio da sve što se ne ponavlja zaboravlja, a da samo oni koji su učili da nauče znaju gde da pronađu ono što ne znaju. Alen još uvek ne mora da se podseća, jer izgleda ništa nije zaboravio. Ne samo da nije zaboravio, već sve zna na nivou receptora i to priča sa takvom lakoćom, kao da je juče polagao ispit. I ne samo to, zna i nazive biljaka, a kada pijemo manastirsku rakiju, onda Alen kaže da ukus potiče od Pimpinella anisum odnosno anisa, a zatim nastavlja sa objašnjenjem da ga ima i uzo i mastika. I ma šta da pomenem iz farmakologije, dobijem dodatno objašnjenje. Kada kažem da je ginko adaptogen, Alen kaže ne, već da je antioksidant, da ima antiagregacioni efekat i da mu je treća funkcija stabilisanje vestibulo kohlearnog aparata i kaže kad znam ja znam, a kad ne znam ja kažem. I tu mislim da  je osnovna greška svih mladih, samouverenih ljudi u koje sam i sam spadao, a to je isključivost, izvesna tvrdoglavost,  što može nekome da izgleda i kao arogancija. Međutim, ja znam da je to u žaru borbe i ne smeta mi. U svakom slučaju i pored sve te ekspresije na nivou ćelije, proverio sam ginko je broj jedan adaptogen, a što se objašnjava upravo onim što ej Alen rekao, a to se već može videti na prvoj stranci Google. Bilo kako bilo susret sa Alenom je pravo osveženje, verujem da ćemo tek sarađivati, ako ni na čemu drugom, onda na tajni manastirske rakije.

The meeting with Alen reminded me of the first days at the Military Medical Academy. I thought I knew everything the best and wondered how older colleagues had forgotten so much. Soon, I realized that everything that does not repeat is forgotten, and only those who have learned to learn know where to find what they do not know. Alen still does not have to remind, because he does not seem to have forgotten anything. Not only that he didn’t forget, but he knows everything at the receptors level, and he talks it with such ease, as if he had passed the exam yesterday. And not only that, he also knows the names of the plants, and when we drink rakia from monastery, then Alen says that the taste comes from Pimpinella anisum or anise, and then continues with the explanation that anise is present in ouzo and mastika. And whatever I can say from pharmacology, I get an additional explanation. When I say ginkgo is an adaptogen, Alen says it is not,  but an antioxidant, it has an antiplattelet effect and that its third function is stabilizing the vestibulocochlear apparatus and conclude when I know I know, and when I do not know, I say. And that is I think that the basic mistake of all young, self-confident people in which I put myself, that is the individuality, certain stubbornness, which can look like to someone as an arrogance. However, I know that it is in the heat of the fight and it does not bother me. In any case, despite all these cell-level expressions, I checked the ginkgo is the number one adaptogen, which is explained exactly by what Alen said, and that can checked on Google’s first page. Whatever the encounter with Alen is a real refreshment, I believe that we will continue to cooperate, if not for something else, then on the secrets of monastery rakia.

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