1000 portreta

Zorica Tornjanski (1960) – sigurno utočište / safe harbour

25 May , 2019  

Da nije bilo ovogodišnje konferencije sportske medicine,ne bih se setio nekih stvari. Ne bih ponovo otvorio vrata Zokine kancelarije i zamislio drage ljudi sa kojima sam napravio toliko lepih stvari. Uradili smo bar 5 kongresa, od toga najveći, Evropski koledž sportskih nauka. Na proslavi 15 godina postojanja setio sam se nekih koji nisu više sa nama, pre svega Nenada Deneša, Tomasa Rajlija i Zorna Đinđića koji su mi tada najviše pomogli, svako kako je umeo nabolje moguće, Zoran finansijski, Tomas naučno, a Deneš organizaciono.

I baš je bilo lepo opet ući u poznati prostor, mada sužen i sveden na  njih dvoje, a bilo ih je petoro. Kako je ko odlazio u penziju, nikog nisu zapošljavali, a siguran sam da su pogrešili. Kako je uopšte moguće da kulturna i kongresna ustanova kao Sava centar radi bez dizajnera i kompjuterskih stručnjaka. Verovatno se misli da kao i u drugim sferama društva dvoje mogu da rade za pet.

Pri tom ne želim da umanji Zokinu sposobnost ni malo, jer sam toliko od nje naučio, bez obzira da li je upitanju organizacija, dizajn, prelom teksta ili knjige. Prosto je to bilo neko romantično vreme kada smo još uvek bili ravnopravni sa svetom i kada smo sopstvenim rešenjima mogli da zamenimo skupe softvere, a uplitanje velikih agencija originalnim idejama. Danas moramo da uložimo mnogo više para da bi postigli isto, a sigurno to ne bi bilo tako da i dalje postoje ljudi koji mogu da pariraju znanjem i idejama stranim partnerima. Zato je lepo setiti se onih koji su pomogli da budemo uspešni i srećni, a ne zaboraviti da im to kažemo, hvala.

If it was not this year’s sports medicine conference, I would not remember everything. I would not open the Zoka’s office door again and imagine all the dear people with whom I made so many beautiful things. We did at least 5 congresses, of which the largest, European College of Sports Science. For 15 years of existence, I remembered some of those who were no longer with us, above all Nenad Denes, Thomas Reilly and Zoran Djindjic, who helped me most at that time, everyone on the best possible way, Zoran financially, Thomas scientifically, and Denes organizationally.

And it was nice to get into the familiar space again, although it was narrowed down and reduced to two, and there were five computers designers. As a retiree, no one was employed, and I’m sure that the management was wrong. How is it possible at all that a cultural and congressional institution like the Sava Center works without designers and computer experts. It is probably thought that as in other spheres of society, two can work for five.

In telling so, I do not want to reduce Zoka’s competence at all, because I have learned so much from her, regardless of whether it is organization, design, prepress of text or books. It was just a romantic time when we were still equal to the world and when we could replace expensive software with our own solutions, and interfering with big agencies with our own ideas. Today, we need to invest a lot more money in order to achieve the same, and certainly this would not be so there are still people who can compete with knowledge and ideas to foreign partners. It is, therefore, a good thing to remember those who helped us to be successful and happy, and do not forget to tell them thank you.

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