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Zoran Bahtijarević (1964) – na dobrom glasu / with good character

8 Apr , 2018  

Već sam pisao da biti profesor ne znači uvek da znaš da učiš druge, a biti lekar ne znači isto, ako to ne priznaju pacijenti. E pa Zoran je i jedno i drugo, i učitelj i lekar.  Međutim, na ovim prostorima je to uvek bilo pitanje ravnoteže. Kao u dečijoj igri između dve vatre, gde je promena ravnoteže bila važna da se izbegne udarac loptom, tako je i životu ostalo važno da se nađe balans u politici, nacionalnosti, na poslu, u sportu i što je najvažnije sa ljudima, naročito sa pacijentima. Bez ideje da ulazim u detalje, jer je mnoge stvari najbolje zadržati za sebe, siguran sam da je Zoran pravi majstor u igranju između dve vatre. Za one koji ga znaju neće biti teško da razumeju zašto je Zoran dobar u svakoj igri. U suštini mislim da je važno njegovo razumevanje pravila igre, gde on neminovno ne pobeđuje uvek, ali ne dozvoljava da mu bude ugrožen integritet. I mislim da je ključno pitanje ravnoteže, znati izboriti se svim problemima, sačuvati sebe i ne naškoditi drugima. U jednoj tajnoj organizaciji koju sam napustio, ovo je bila odlika čovek na dobrom glasu, mnoge koje sam upoznao bili su daleko od toga, pa mi je uvek drago kada nađem nekoga ko to zaista jeste.

I have already written that being a professor does not always mean that you know how to teach others, and being a doctor does not mean the same, unless you are recognized by patients. Zoran is both, a teacher and a doctor. However, in this region, that was always a matter of balance. As in a kid’s game between two fires, where the change in balance was important to avoid the ball, it is important in life to find a balance in politics, nationality, at work, in sports, and most crucially with people, especially with patients. Without the idea of ​​entering into details, because many things are best to keep for myself, I’m sure that Zoran is the master of the game between two fires. For those who know him, it will not be difficult to understand why Zoran is good in every game. In essence, I think that it is important his understanding the rules of the game, where he inevitably does not always win, but does not allow his integrity to be compromised. And I think that the key issue is balance, knowing how to deal with all problems, save yourself and do not harm others. In one secret organization I left, it was called a good man with character, many people I met were far from it, so I’m always glad when I find someone who really is.


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april 2024.