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Tomislav Miša Novaković (1946) – više od doktora veterinarske medicine / more than a doctor of veterinary medicine

6 Jul , 2019  

Iako on misli da to što nije završio humanu medicinu jeste bitna stvar,  siguran sam da greši, jer, suština medicine je da pomogneš nekome kome treba pomoć, što je mnogo teže kada je taj neko nemušto živo biće. Druga važna stvar je etika, što je nekad i najteže, jer često gledaš oko sebe one koji to ne shvataju, čak i kada su ti bliski. Iz poštenog odnosa mogu da nastanu samo dobre stvari. Pa tako vaspitaš i decu i ona postanu dobri ljudi i nauče i da se sami izbore za sebe. I onda kada su daleko od tebe, nije ti toliko teško, jer znaš da su uspešni i da se trude na svom poslu. Pa na kraju i kada te okolina ne razume, jer si nešto postigao, nije važno jer si svestan da si za sve vredno borio. I to je možda najvažnije da priznaš da si uspeo i da budeš srećan sa svim što si postigao.

Although he thinks that not completing human medicine is an important thing, I am sure he is wrong, because the essence of medicine is to help someone who needs help, which is much more difficult when that is a mute living being. Another essential thing is ethics, which is sometimes the most difficult because you often look around ones who do not understand it, even when they are close to you. Only good things can arise from an honest relationship. So you educated your children, and they became good people and learned how to fight for themselves. And when they are far from you, it’s not that difficult for you, because you know they are successful and work hard.  In the end, even your environment does not understand, because you have achieved something, it does not matter because you know that you have fought for everything. And that may be the most important thing to admit that you have succeeded and that you are fortunate with everything you have achieved.

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